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mind f**ked so much. i need

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There's this guy I've known for couple years and I liked him since the day I laid my eyes on Him. He is a catch. He ended up dating a ex friend of mine . I was bummed but got over it.

A few months after they broke up, we hooked up a couple times. Went out for dinner things like that. But its so obvs hes not over his ex. He was honest with me and said he wanted to be friends , didnt want to start a relationship and stuff. I accepted his but still had feelings forhim.

At this party i had , he became super jealous i was hangin out with his friend but told me that were just friends. It was so weird.

He texts me a few weeks later telling me what a beautiful woman i am and how he loves me. He must of been drunk. I didnt fall into it. I was mad on how he was acting. He made me feel stupid bout self.

But recently hes been so nice and reaching out to me. We became kinds close the other night. Cuddling and he pretty well gave me the invite to come home with him. I wanted to so bad and asked him to drive me home

He seemed disappointed but i was so proud i stayed strong. He called me in the morning and took me for lunch.

I cant get him out of my head. I text him tonight cus i left my coat in his truck and asked if i could swing by to get it. He said ya but then said im going to bed but ill drop iit off in the. morn. I guess i wanted to see him put make up on before. I said have a beer with me but he said no but ill call u tmrw.

I know this guy is prob wrong for me but he keeps reaching out then backing off. Should i keep a distance? I want him so bad lol. Any advice. Im so lost.

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He's not ready and those are the ones that can hurt the most.


Keep your distance with him, as it is clear that you want more than he does right now. You did a good job staying strong and you need to continue that way until he makes his intentions crystal clear.

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I know very well that is going on...


He likes you and feels close enough to you to get jealous when you hang out with another guy, yet he does not like you enough to want a relationship with you.


You, on the other hand, seem to like him enough to want a relationship, or to at least exclusively date him.


You have different goals, which means you will get hurt. 100% certain you will get hurt.


Look, if a guy is seriously interested in you, he will make it known. When this guy finds a girl he really really likes, you will be seriously hurt...


Do you want to keep hangin' with a guy until he finds a girl he really likes?


I didn't think so.


The good news is: there are other guys out there who WILL be super interested and excited at the idea of being with you.

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I totally get it and your right. Ive been so hurt and rejected in the past. I owe it to myself not to be strung along by him. I guess i feel theres no other guys out there that want me and ive been single for 3 years and its damaged my self esteem alot. Im not sure what to do any more. Guess keep hopeful. Im gonna work hard towards backing off fm him. Thanks.

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I totally get it and your right. Ive been so hurt and rejected in the past. I owe it to myself not to be strung along by him. I guess i feel theres no other guys out there that want me and ive been single for 3 years and its damaged my self esteem alot. Im not sure what to do any more. Guess keep hopeful. Im gonna work hard towards backing off fm him. Thanks.




This is my own personal belief- there is a reason for everything. Ok, I was going to start a thread on this because I'm really pissed, but thinking it's a story that might help you. I'll keep it short.


My neighbor had been hitting on me for sometime- I blew it off, not interested. Then he brings a lady home...later, off the wall tells me she his sister...I really didn't understand as why would I care, you know?


She moves in with him and has been there for about a year, then she contracts cancer and begins chemo and radiation. Her hair started to fall out bad two weeks into the chemo/radiation. I ran into her and she made a comment that he's never home anymore.


I overheard a fight (there's another guy that lives there too) ...the other guy told her bf to get the F out. I kind of figured out why he did that, he was sticking up for the girl.


Then again overheard (it's not hard, I'm outdoors a lot) her beg him not to leave (I guess bf had stopped by)...his reply to her was, "you got what you want, I'm gone".


Ok, knowing human nature, she most likely got on his case for bf being absent during such a dfficult time for her...normal IMO. The other guy (who actually owns the place) saw what was up and got pissed.


Speculation and experience tells me she's been thrown under the bus because what good is she to him now- no hair, sick and such. He wanted to go and is now putting that on her!!!!!! For real?????


Can you imagine how this girl feels???!!!! He used her. This is beyond cold blooded IMO.


Personally, I'd rather be alone than to have someone desert me in a real time of need.


GF, this is the short story, as there is much more to it...


It is my hope that you desire what's real and not a committment phobe that's not in it for the long haul.


I'm holding out for the GOLD- I think you will too, you go girl!


Hey, use this time to work on you, whatever it is you want to do for you;)

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Thanks for the insight. Couldnt imagine what your neighbor is feeling. I rather be alone then put up with flakes. I admit hes been very nice to me but last night made me see how weird he is.

He texts me to hang out that night. I said ill text him after work. So i messages him to hang out and watch a movie. He doesnt mesage me back at all .wtf. i said to myself this is the final straw. So he texts me this morning. "I waited up but i didnt hear fm ya" ...i said didnt u get my message ? It felt like u were ignoring me so i did my own thing.Hes like ya.. i feel like noone wants to hang out with me anymore whatever.. i said well ill chill with u..hes like ya i dunn what the plan is. Call me after work.

Its like wow. U ask to hang out with me, i contact you ,, u ignore me and then say u waited up for mel

Ladies i know i said id distance myself fm him but this guy has issues. Lol im done.

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