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Peeping Tom


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My roomate and I live in an economy townhouse, with other people living around us. We can often hear noises and things in other people's units. In fact, sometimes we cannot sleep from all the graoning that the other couple makes during sex next door. She is a real pig. She likes to make alot of noise.Well, my roomate he spends too much time in the closet, listening to this one couple having sex. He masturbates about them, I know he does because I caught him several times, and scolded him, telling him how bad and nasty a thing that is for him to do. He's really doing this to much and now, he's looking in wondows like a peeping tom. And this isn't the worst part of it. The guy who he listens to is named Clarence and clarence just got out of jail and is a little bit crazy. well I'm afraid what he'd do if he found out my roomate jay is a peeping tom!!!!!!!!


Please Help!!


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You have some lively times among the perverts in your complex.


You need to get rid of your roommate or move out yourself. He is a sickie of great magnitude, especially if his masturabatory practices are easily observable by you when you hear the moaning of intercourse next door. Does this guy have no shame???


You say the girl next door is a real pig. Well, let me tell you about pigs. I worked on a farm, I called pigs from the open field, fed them corn, and generally roamed about them. I observed them having sex often and NEVER ONCE did any other pig interfere or pay any attention to the sexual escapades of their fellow swine. Understanding a room at the Holiday Inn was out of the question, they all respected the sexual privacy of the other pigs, just walked around them, and carried on their pigly business of waiting to be bacon and sausage.


If the management of your townhouse complex allows for modifications to you unit, you could add additional insulation to block out the sex noise. However, this will not eliminate the fact that your roommate is a hearing tom, that's the audio version of the more visual peeping tom and much different from the more civilized peeping pig or hearing ham.


You are simply living with a low life and I can understand just how uneasy you feel with him poised to mobilize for masturbation upon the sound of groaning next door. That's very sick.


Depending on your agreement with your roommate, ask him to move as soon as possible or you do same. What he is doing is certainly grounds for such action.


If getting rid of your roommate is not an option, get a good cassette recorder, record the next sex session through the wall, and give the recording along with a player and headphones to your roommate for Christmas. That way, he could masturbate to the noise anytime he wanted in the privacy of his bedroom. Yeah, sick isn't it...but it is a solution to your problem. But it's better done in his bedroom that for you to keep observing him in the closet. It's best he come out of the closet anyway, if you know what I mean.


It's really too bad the guy next door is crazy. The police could handle this matter pretty easily but I wouldn't take chances with this guy seeking retaliatory action.


You know, everytime I have bacon or sausage for breakfast, I fear now I will think of your roommate in the closet and lose my appetite. Whoopie!!!

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