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What do I tell my girlfriend who I have been dated exclusively for four years, that I don't like it when she dances with other guys whether I am at the club or not. I do not like to dance, but she keeps asking me to take her to a club. She says it doesn't matter how you dance, it is the fact that we are together having a so-called good time. But if I don't go to the club, then I can imagine what she is doing on the dance floor. This past weekend she danced with another guy pretty close, and I think she really did not care to see how I felt about that. What should I tell her, or should I just let it go and the next time she wants to go dancing I tell her how I really feel.

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What do I tell my girlfriend who I have been dated exclusively for four years, that I don't like it when she dances with other guys whether I am at the club or not. I do not like to dance, but she keeps asking me to take her to a club. She says it doesn't matter how you dance, it is the fact that we are together having a so-called good time. But if I don't go to the club, then I can imagine what she is doing on the dance floor. This past weekend she danced with another guy pretty close, and I think she really did not care to see how I felt about that. What should I tell her, or should I just let it go and the next time she wants to go dancing I tell her how I really feel.

You do not like dancing, she likes dancing... do not do nothng to change the fact that she enjoys this. if you do not want her to dance with other guys, then start to like it and start dancing. except it as long as it is only as dancing. i know that for myself i go out and dance after a stressful week/day, whatever it may be. i know that it helps me be a better parent also partner.


best of luck



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Most women like to dance. I doesn't matter how much you don't like it, she will still like it. What you need to tell her is that you want to begin taking dance lessons. You may not like dancing now, but it is probably because you feel self-conscious about it. A little instruction and a little practice will take care of all that. Dance lessons is also something the two of you can do together away from a night club. Look in the yellow pages under dancing, or look in your newspaper for clubs or organizations that give free dance lessons.


It sounds like there may be other things going on between you besides her liking to dance and you not liking to dance. Trying the dance lessons cannot hurt the situation. Even things don't work out for the two of you later, you'll have a head start on meeting new people by knowing how to dance.


Remember - women like to dance and if you take the time to learn some steps, you will too.

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how come I have to change how come she can't change for me. if a person really loves someone and knows what upsets them then why continue to do it, for example I love motorcycles, how would she feel if I asked her once a week to ride with me across town. Would she change or just tell me how she feels about me asking her and how she feels about me ridiing my bike.

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