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Would you rather be alone the rest of your life or be with someobdy you have no

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I'd rather be alone. It's much better that way. I'm gonna be rich anyway, so it won't matter.



But when you let attraction try to develop, that's when you get friend-zoned. I know it's hard to believe but there are many virgins over the age of thirty, most of them male. Maybe he has had bad luck running into specific women who aren't into him, or maybe he has no luck at all, but the fact of the matter is that he is still single. Unfortunately, trends such as this do not tend to reverse themselves when they have gone on for long periods of time.


I have no doubt that's true, especially after browsing threads on this forum. It was very surprising.


Still, I operate with the belief that you can create self-fulfilling prophecies for yourself. Maybe OP has consistently had bad experiences, and it seems logical to expect no more than what experience has shown you.....but if you go in with the expectation of a certain outcome it's likely that you will consciously or subconsciously make it happen whether luck is in your favor or not.


If he's doing the same thing and expecting a different result...well that is the colloquial definition of insanity, isn't it? Some introspection on how he's operating seems a thought worth some merit.


Emotionally dating is hard for either sex. I honestly don't know how long I would have kept at dating if my bf hadn't come along very early in my dating period. I could understand wanting to try just being alone, it's probably easier in a lot of ways.


But OP sounds like he doesn't wanna be alone. So....he can either approach this differently or keep doing the same thing, in my perspective.

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Figure out why you aren't physically attracted to women, or rather women that you can realistically obtain. I don't think this is normal. Sure, all of us guys would pick a supermodel out of a lineup for a one night stand, but there are so many variables to physical attraction and sexiness that transcend mere body mass index and straight teeth. I can find myself attracted to all types of women for various reasons. Hell, I'm a very fit guy who normally is not attracted to very overweight women but there is one in a shop that I frequent that I am insanely physically attracted to for some odd reason. I'm not saying that men should be attracted to anyone because I'm certainly not, but throw a naked girl in the bed with most guys and more times than not... he can probably make it happen if he wanted... and have a good time in the process.


If you have never had a relationship and you are in your thirties, it's probably time to look inwards and try to figure things out as to what your hang ups might be...


However, to answer your basic question... No, I would not date or have a relationship with someone that I was not physically attracted to. That's a recipe for disaster. I've done it once and swore never to do it again. You'll end up cheating, giving her inferiority complexes about her body, torture yourself for being attracted to other women and it's just one big mess. I'd rather be single in that case.

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I don't seem to be able to bring myself to be with someone am not physically attracted to, no matter how lonely I am...


You haven't had enough alcohol then lol, seriously though when I'm in a straight mind I'm exactly the same, alcohol changes everything, although sometimes not in a good way :p

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Physical attraction to at all? I know some people are willing to i just cant do it..Im 33 and never been in a relationship and i cant attract any women im physically attracted to at all so im prepared to go without any one for the rest of my life rather then settle with a women i cant picture being intimate with..


Im not extremely picky but if theyres no physical attraction at all my heart wouldnt be in it on a intimate level..


OP, how unattractive is this hypothetical woman? Is she just simply not very attractive or does her very appearance cause a feeling of disgust and revulsion? My standards aren't high at all, I don't need a supermodel a plain woman is attractive enough, but I do have some limits now.


Also for me at least physical attraction isn't everything, especially assuming we are talking about marriage. But she would have to have something about her that would make her more attractive despite not being physically attractive. A lovely personality or intellect or hell I'm not a money guy but even wealth could make her seem more attractive.

Edited by Necris
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Rather be alone


But tbh I think most people think differently. I really think a big section of people who are in relationships right now aren't all that attracted to the person they go home to every night. They're just with them because its better then nothing

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It depends on age, but physical appearance does matter to women. I don't care how you want to sugar coat it, physical appearance matters to people probably below the ages of 60 (beyond that I don't know as I'm not there yet). Can't tell you how many dates I've been on where I wasn't tall enough or didn't have some other physical trait that some woman desired. I'm 5'11, but that sometimes just doesn't work for taller women, especially those that are my height or taller.


Ever heard the phrase "tall, dark, and handsome" ? That is how a lot of women describe the guy they are with and it's mostly referring to physical appearance.


Height is something that can really impact a guy and there is NOTHING we can do about it.


There are many things that attract women, and it's not all about looks. A guy with a great personality will attract women. A guy that is fun to be with, or has a good sense of humor will attract women. A guy that has confidence will attract women. It's not all about looks for women, even if it is for you apparently.
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