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35 days no contact....was the dumper.... no closure...?


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Been over a month since I talked or seen my x. Was emotionally abusive, pouting/silent treatment to get his way, trying to change me- to the extent of controlling what I can/cannot say to my friends.


I left him without saying that its over because I've tried to leave before and I always forgave him and tried to give the relationship a second chance. Were together 16months- to him, I didn't dress good enough, asking me to change my hair etc, i don't pray as much as I should, i don't clean good enough etc.

I carried as much as I could from his apartment and forgot a few non important stuff- a tshirt,magazine, nail polish, earrings. He writes 2 weeks later and asks me to send someone to get my stuff- I don't respond.


A week later, he writes a longer email saying i should have the courtesy to respond- and write 'please' 4times-almost begging for a response from me- during the relationship- he never/rarely said sorry, please, excuse me etc- threw my clothes on the floor the very few times he did laundry etc- i will not respond to him because I suspect he wants to make me feel bad by giving back things i bought for him and for the apartment like bed sheets etc.


He is a vengeful person and most probably wants to disgrace me/whoever I send to collect my things- I sometimes feel like writing him an email and telling him off for the things he put me through- but so far, I have ignored him- I wonder why I miss him today- went to DC for a meeting and at the hotel, I just missed our out of town trips.


I'm on my way to NY, remembering the times we travelled together and just feeling so overwhelmed--- broken dreams and promises. I thought he was the one......I leave the country for another job overseas on the 18th of June which will be the 59th day of no contact--- I never want to initiate contact- I am dealing with never talking or seeing him ever---so tough. Advise?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Just stay strong and know you're doing the right thing.


You miss having "someone" not being with a jerk.


You'll be okay. Have fun on your trips and adventures!

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