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Friendship more intense than relationship,

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Ok: me (26), she (30)

We know each other quite long but this summer went from "someone I know and have a click with" to best friends, to lovers to best friends again.


When we were lovers (late summer,autumn 2012), we had the time of our lives... it was fun, very passionate etc...

She was the one who took the initiative to see each other more, started to kiss me, lead me to her bed, asked me to start a relationship...


During those months she could have days she doubted about her feelings but when I was with here, those doubts dissapeared.

A lot of people, like her family, best friends, old friend said they haven't seen her that happy since... she was still a kid.

She always said she had never had that connection with someone like she had with me. She always laughed when I was around her and we couldn't stop talking during days, night, except when we were intimate...

Even about that she said it never felt so good with anyone and I must tell i had the same feeling... when we were togehter, it was like everything I wanted.


She has a history of strange and bad love affairs, and this one seemed a good one at last but still she had moments she started to doubt everything.

Maybe she got too much what she wanted too soon and easy?



After 3 months she broke up because she didn't understand her doubts.

Reasons for breaking up went from " it was too good." some weeks later " it was too much" some weeks later " we are too much the same" to " i didin't feel it".


When she broke up, some things changed off course, we didn't sleep together anymore ( except for a few times) and those things.


But the intense contact remained.

I just enjoyed her company too much.

We still called everyday, sent like 500 messages a day, always found an excuse to see each other 4-5 times in a week.


Sometimes it felt romantic again but sometimes she said it didn't fell right to have this intense friendship because it was confusing for both of us. Sometimes I was the one who thaught it was too confusing and tried to reduce the contact.


But in the end we're almost june now and we the contact is like more intense than ever. First thing we still do when we wake up is sending each other a message, we call during noon, we call after work, we call before bedtime. Sometimes it's met to call her, often it's her. a month ago we had a conversation we dediced to normalize our friendship because it was too confusing and it felt too much like a relationship. after a week we had less contact, but after a week it was again the same, probably even more intense...


I have to be honest. The romantic feeling hasn't showed up since a few months. Sometimes she says : " why can't it be that simple for me: you and me together".


Between that short relationship and now we both had a few other persons. I always came to the conclusion that there are great woman, but they 're not like here. She has had a very short affaire, but with a totally wrong guy, she stopped it because "he wasn't me". When we go out together it's also clear she doesn't has interest in other guys, she's only interested in me somehow.


How I feel: I ****ing love that girl. I can imagine you guys must think she's just playing with me, but I must say that I can always count on her as my friend, and the last 10 months I was always on the first place for her. I don't feel "in love" like I did when I was younger but it just often fells so right. I fell great when I'm with her and I know she also fells great when I'm with her.


I want to be together with her like a relationship. but it seems almost impossible to turn this "relationship" into a Relationship. I hear a lot about friendzone, but this is just a lot more than friendzone.


But... I'm too afraid to make this clear to her. Sometimes we joke about it but i'm too afraid to lose her.

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schidt you might as well be a couple with the amount of talking and times spent together that you all have!


Have you spilled your guts out to her?

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