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Hey guys,


I have a very dear friend named Jamie, and I happen to like him. Now it seems that he is a geeky kind of person, and not someone that's really into relationships or something.


I have no idea of whether he likes me or not. He has never had a girlfriend and has never been kissed ( like me though ). Maybe he is scared or something?


Should I tell him?


Please help me!

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If you're gonna be bold, you can simply ask him if he likes you. If you're good friends and you're a little unsure of doing that, you can always maybe look up some body language signs and see if he blatantly gives off body language that he's into you. That can maybe give you a little more confidence in asking. But be aware, good friends can give off the same signs.


Try asking him in a friendly way, if he likes anyone in general. See how he reacts to that.


In the end, you won't know unless you really ask. Many guys don't get hints, you should be forward if you want to get a point across.


Good luck :)

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There's a decent chance that he likes you,but is too scared to do anything about it. Looks like it's up to you to make it happen. Ask him directly or have a mutual friend ask him. Good luck, friends make the best lovers :)

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Yeah, I hear you, Im kind of in the same boat myself.


But Laura, I agree with everyone about how you have to just be upfront about your feelings. But I would suggest that instead of labeling how you feel for him in any way, you could just tell him something like your feelings seem to run deeper than only friendship for him and you like his company and doing things with him.(I'm presuming you two hang out alot as you say he's a dear friend) But the reason I say not to put a label on it, is because you don't yet know where his feelings stand. Something like love, is a two way street and part of what causes the love feeling is knowledge that the other person feels the same.


Believe me sometimes guys are oblivious to very subtle signs, even when they are older:laugh: And if your friend is not familiar with being in relationships, he certainly won't just "know" your feelings have changed. One other thing, I suggest if you are able to, is tell him in person, rather than over text. My own story would need its own thread but I just hope I have the chance soon to tell him in person my feelings.

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