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Where to now?

Lost & confused

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Lost & confused

I had been dating this guy for over 9 months and we had problems in the relationship. I asked for a month off so that we could look at the situation and if maybe something could be salvaged. After this month off, we began talking again, but not like we had and decided to be friends. Since that time we have talked a little on the phone and have gone out a couble of times. My problem is that he states he wants to be friends and not have an exclusive relationship but then he gives me mixed signals. He also states he doesn't want to crowd me and that maybe we will see what happens in the next 6 months to a year. I'm confused. I don't know whether or not I want to get back into the relationship, but I miss it. I know that he is dating others and has found another dance parter (we use to take classes together) and some how this is painful for me. I don't know whether I should just say quits or stick around and try not to feel jealous, or what. Anyone have any good advise on what to do? Thanks

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If this guy was really big on you, he would be with you. On the other hand, you may have scared him a bit when you asked for a month off to get your thoughts together. Usually, when someone wants time off from a relationship it's not a very good sign.


I think the time off did more harm that good. If you were having problems in the relationship, they would have been much better corrected working together with the relationship intact.


You ought to have one more talk with your guy. If you keep getting mix signals, I think you ought not hang around waiting for him to come back to you exclusively. If he doesn't want to get back with you in a committed way, that's your sign to move on.


He really turned things around on you big time. Things backfired on you. Remember the possiblity of this happening if you ever ask for time off from another guy.

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