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Some women are turned on by the damnest things.

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I've been dating a girl for about three months now and I just recently we had an "incident" that I really don't understand. We were at a park we like to go to one day aboout a month ago and at one point we started playfully wrestling. It got playfull enough that after a couple of minutes my glasses ended up getting knocked off. This was a serious problem for me because I can't see a thing without them (my prescription is around -17 if that means anything to you guys). Since everything was a blur I was reduced to groping along the ground for them. She kinda teased me while I was searching and that was ok and all. But after I finally found my glasses she snatched them out of my hand before I could pick them up. It was a little frustrating, but I figured a little fun at my expense wasn't that big of a deal. I let her have her fun and after a couple of minutes I asked her to give them back to me, to which she replied with "Come and get them." Not very easy to do since she was well out of my reach and I couldn't see her. I was getting a little anxious but she gave them back a couple of minutes later. This really seemed to be a turn on for her, because she wanted to go back to her place right away and have sex...which was great!


For some reason this gets her horny. Almost every time she gets in the mood since then, she'll take away my glasses and I'll have to feel my way around whoever's apartment we're at. Now don't get me wrong, the sex is very good. But it seems a little odd to me. Without my glasses I'm just about helpless and she gets turned on by taking them away from me. I thought women were supposed to be attracted to strength and confidence? Is this kind of attraction common?

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Nope. I once went out with a girl who only got in the mood when I was real sweaty and angry. When I am my nice, decent self, she is not in the mood. I couldnt fake the hairy and sweaty thing either. Still, occasionally I get pissed off at some people and she really likes it. Talk about weird ! I sure as heck didnt like it when she started cussing....I usually told her to zip it or i walk away !!!! Women's desires are difficult to understand, dude.

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She's Come Undone

I guess sometimes we like to see the helpless, needing to be "saved" side of a man.


Me? I'd get turned on by anything right now!

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Ever heard of 'dominatrix'? Seems quite a few women get turned on by feeling powerful.


I thought women were supposed to be attracted to strength and confidence?


No generalization is true. Go visit your local sex toy shop someday. You'll see a lot of B&D equipment for sale because it's a popular fetish. There are all kinds of kinks that you may or may not be comfortable with. One more reason, IMHO, to live with someone before you marry.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Ever heard of 'dominatrix'? Seems quite a few women get turned on by feeling powerful.




I should have thought of it that way. Guess they are not all about chains and whips, are they?


Too bad I can't still wear contacts.

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Originally posted by She's Come Undone

I guess sometimes we like to see the helpless, needing to be "saved" side of a man.


Me? I'd get turned on by anything right now!


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