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How can I stop looking away from the person I most want to get to know? I try smiling at him every chance I get and so far he smiles back at me. Yet, every time we pass each other in a busy crowd we both pretend to ignore each other. I've been trying to break out of this rut for a while. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I've had this habit for a while with other guys I've liked and it seems to drag on forever. I've never had a boyfriend before, so I'm incredibly inexperienced in these things.

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In a way, pretending to not see him is a pretty good trick. It makes you somewhat of a challenge.


You are going to have to somehow arrange your schedule to be in his proximity when he is having lunch or just sitting around somewhere. You are going to have to engage is some small talk with him and get to know him better.


The way you're doing things now will accomplish nothing. Once you know him better, I'm sure the two of you will get to do some other things together and maybe even become an item.


Next time you see him in a crowd, be sure to get close enough that he sees you and be sure to SMILE BIG AT HIM!!!


If you keep on doing what you're doing you'll never have a boyfriend. Maybe you could get some practical advice from some of your girlfriends who have guys.


I think you'll be just fine. But you must get over your shyness and you must start getting closer to the guy you're interested in and talking to him.

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Hi Jess,


You are interested in this guy...what makes you ignore him when you see him? Honey, if you two keep looking the other way every time you pass by, you will NEVER meet each other!! You both are just shy. You just gotta make the first move. This is not the time to be shy. If you keep pretending to ignore him, he will have NO idea that you're interested in him. He can't read your mind.


Next time you see him, stop thinking. Don't think about whether he noticed you.


Don't think about what he'll think.


Don't think about how you look like.


Don't think about how much you like him.


Don't EVEN think about looking the other way.


Do this instead:


When you pass by him, give him your most dazzling smile and say "Hello". That's all you need to do. You don't even have to stop. Just keep on walking.


What have you possibly got to lose by smiling at him and saying hello? Nothing at all.


What have you got to gain? Everything...but you won't find out until you make the effort.


:) "Hello!"

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hehehe I started writing my reply before I saw yours..


and they're pretty much the same thing.


I just wanted to let you know...don't worry, I'm studying for finals! (1 down, 3 more to go, I just needed a little break)



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