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I found the girl i was dating with another man..

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I hope you have learned a lesson, you wasted more than 2 years chasing an illusion. with that being said she probably does love you but has millions of issues and would hurt you. move on as fast as you can

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Believe this if you believe nothing else, this woman is poison to you. Should you ever get into a serious relationship or marry her she will destroy you and your life. You would have to be constantly tested for STD's, you would have to test the paternity of your children. Run and don't look back. Unless you stop all communication with her you will be here in another 2 years with another update. Don't waste anymore of your valuable life on a serial cheater.

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So again that need for "closure" that is so fleeting led you to another heartache and a 2 year waste of time.




That closure BS is very overrated. Intentions are good but it never turns out the way it does in the movies with the piano music playing in the background and the little glimmer of hope that shows up as the credits roll and people like me flip the Bird to the screen ......you wasted 2 years. That was like the longest bad movie ever. lol


That was brutal, man. I sure hope you never give your heart like that to anyone else. You'll not only get it stomped on the next time, but the chick will cut it out of you and show it to you while you apologize for bleeding all over her.


The need for closure leads people to do things that fly in the face of common sense. And you are living proof of that.

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ps i am done with her but i always think of her.i became familliar with the idea that maybe i will never forget her and it doesnt bother me that much anymore.


Get that stupidity right out of your head!! You are a glutton for punishment for the rest of your life with that line of thinking.


The goal of the entire exercise is to Forget her and have complete indifference. She should be about as memorable as a fart in a elevator

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Thank you everyone for your answers.


I forgot to mention that 1 year and a half passed till then with absolutely no contact.I just know from common friends that she is in a relationship with that guy and has a troublesome relationship.


space ritual i am a determined person and inside me this story has died.but because the feelings that i once had about her were so deep like devine thats the reason i will always remember her.the only woman i have ever loved.maybe you can not understand it but thats how i see it :)

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Geez you learned nothing did ya?


You're still jumping through this girl's hoops? How many times does she have to dump you :)


Hard lessons to learn. Never take back a chick that's cheated on you. Never, she doesn't respect you, you go back to her she respects you even less, she calls and you go back to her... you get the picture

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