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Chance Encounter with a Girl

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I met this girl named Wendy a couple of weeks ago.



She is tall and cute and all. She is always friendly to me. I thought she was just being friendly. Today, I think she might like me. She walked with me to class and seemed real reluctant to let me go. Also, we went to the library and she told me that I had lost my Disk. I did !!! I didnt even notice. She told me she found it and gave it to the librarian so I could have it. Talk about helpful !!!



We went to the computers and she made me take a Love Compatibility quiz online. Our horoscopes and names. It seemed we were a 88 percent match. She was so happy !!! Again, she was real reluctant to let me go and I ended up being almost late to class. She asked me where I was gonna be tomorrow and I said I'd see her tomorrow and she seemed reluctant to part with me.


She's funny and kind of cute and I am single and....celibate. Very celibate. Too celibate. After my last fiasco with a female, I wanted time to heal my heart and meet a decent woman the next time. I just recently emerged from a period of confusion over my true self (psychologically, spiritually, sexually) I have made my peace with myself.


Still, it's women that I find myself drawn to emotionally and physically...most of the time...so I desire a good woman to be by my side.


Does this girl like me ? What do you think ?

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So, how is this a chance encounter? (I think you left that part out)


I think she is interested in you, sure sounds it to me.

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