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does this spell trouble?


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well this is the first time that i have been on here.


i feel really weird about a situation that is about to happen, on the other hand i feel good about it.


on the 18th is my ex-husbands birthday, we have 2 kids together and he helped me raise my other daughter. tonight he made plans with his oldest daughter to come here on the 17th and stay here until the 18th. that means over night, that part scares me a bit, we get along with each other better then we ever did. i look at him as a really good friend. he is also going to stay here christmas eve and wake up as a family(i asked for that one)


the weird thing is , he has a girlfriend. i asked him tonight, would she not mind, i mean i am his ex from the past 13 years and he's spending a night here. he said that he does not think that she would care.


sounded to me as though she was not informed about it but would be,


i do not understand why this is happening? is he still interested in him and i ?


thank you , i really need advise



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His girlfriend has not yet been informed because she will be mightily pissed when she finds out. Your ex-husband wants to preserve his relationship with his girlfriend and it is very doubtful he will say a word to her...if he's smart. He also wants to do things with his children, especially at Christmas.


Your ex husband sounds like a nice guy who likes to please everybody. But he will find out in good time that doesn't work.


No, don't get your hopes up. Don't read one ounce more into this than there is. If he was interested in getting back with you, he would have talked to you about it and split with his girlfriend.


Holidays can be hell when it comes to broken families.

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His girlfriend has not yet been informed because she will be mightily pissed when she finds out. Your ex-husband wants to preserve his relationship with his girlfriend and it is very doubtful he will say a word to her...if he's smart. He also wants to do things with his children, especially at Christmas. Your ex husband sounds like a nice guy who likes to please everybody. But he will find out in good time that doesn't work. No, don't get your hopes up. Don't read one ounce more into this than there is. If he was interested in getting back with you, he would have talked to you about it and split with his girlfriend.



I do not have my hopes up about getting back together with him, we were not a good couple with each other at all. there was alot of abuse, physical , mental, and emotional. he was also seeing her for at least 6 months when we were together still. it's not as eazy as i said it in the first message.


we have became friends after i was betrayed because i did not like the feelings about him when he was here to get his kids for the weekends, i decided to let it go and move on. thats another thing i have moved on in life.


i guess my fear is that he will play other girls as he did me, i know that i should not worry about that but i do..



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Tony, I do not have my hopes up about getting back together with him, we were not a good couple with each other at all. there was alot of abuse, physical , mental, and emotional. he was also seeing her for at least 6 months when we were together still. it's not as eazy as i said it in the first message.


we have became friends after i was betrayed because i did not like the feelings about him when he was here to get his kids for the weekends, i decided to let it go and move on. thats another thing i have moved on in life. i guess my fear is that he will play other girls as he did me, i know that i should not worry about that but i do.. Jenny

ony this is for you.. reply , i am curious to what you think.

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No, you shouldn't worry about how he treats others. You cannot control any other adult human being. Part of moving on is allowing life to happen as it will, not trying to control it, and having enough faith and confidence in life that situations will take care of themselves.


It will be unfortunate if you ex sucks in other ladies but hopefully they will be skillful enough to handle it. If not, that will be lessons they will have to learn. You have no control or say over this...so take your mind off of it.


Frankly, it is difficult for me to believe you would be so concerned for the lives of people you don't even know and who are yet unknown in your ex's world.

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