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falling for ex's best friend

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My boyfriend and I broke up about 6 months ago and haven't talked in three. During that time, his best friend, who I had always known, and I became very close. I consider him my best friend. Well, a couple weeks ago he confessed his feelings for me. We both feel that we are perfect for each other, except if my ex found out( which he would eventually) there would be no chance of us ever becoming friends again. I really miss him in my life, but Josh (his best friend) is absolutely perfect for me. I just don't know what to do. Either way i'm going to lose a friend.

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My boyfriend and I broke up about 6 months ago and haven't talked in three. During that time, his best friend, who I had always known, and I became very close. I consider him my best friend. Well, a couple weeks ago he confessed his feelings for me. We both feel that we are perfect for each other, except if my ex found out( which he would eventually) there would be no chance of us ever becoming friends again. I really miss him in my life, but Josh (his best friend) is absolutely perfect for me. I just don't know what to do. Either way i'm going to lose a friend.

well there is one rule, stay away from ex's family, best friends, friends..


you said that you would lose a friend either way? why would this happen? if you are not with this man he could not be your friend? if he loves you cares for you then either way he would be your friend.. it might take a bit so that he could get his feeling somewhere else,but true friends that never ends,


my advice , do not date the ex'sfriend... that would hurt him and you more then ever..


good luck kimmi

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Whats this fasination women have with holding on to there ex partners..one or both of you decided you where not right for each other..why should freindship with this person then seem so attractive, just let him get on with his life & you move on with yours. If it turns out you are to be freinds then let it be so, but for know let go of your past & move foward..who gives a rats ass if this guy is your ex boyfriends buddy..If his buddy is not worried why should you be?..I bet you he is prepared to forgo his freindship with your ex to take a chance with you, so why are you still concerend about your ex & his feelings? Remmember you are no longer responsable for this persons feelings...


Anyway I for one believe it is impossible to go from the most intimate of relationships to a truely plutonic freindship..I have found when I have tried this the other person is always tempted to take advantage of the past.


I dont know It all sounds just like selfishness, why should you be able to have your cake & eat it too.


A new loving relationship & a close friendship with your ex because you cant let him go?


Wake Up!

My boyfriend and I broke up about 6 months ago and haven't talked in three. During that time, his best friend, who I had always known, and I became very close. I consider him my best friend. Well, a couple weeks ago he confessed his feelings for me. We both feel that we are perfect for each other, except if my ex found out( which he would eventually) there would be no chance of us ever becoming friends again. I really miss him in my life, but Josh (his best friend) is absolutely perfect for me. I just don't know what to do. Either way i'm going to lose a friend.
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