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After the Break Up!


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This is the first time I have ever written anything like this online. Sorry if I don't have good organization. This is the deal. I broke up with my ex, but for reasons that were understandable but also impulsive. I did it because he said he didn't know if we would remain friends when we go to college and he had a lot of college work to get done for the past month and he wasn't paying enough attention to me. But later he told me that he was scared that he might lose me in college, thats why he said he didn't know if he could keep in contact. I had to break up with him though. I felt if I stayed I would have no self respect for myself. I wasn't having a good time in the present and then i felt as if he wasn't even going to be there in the future. Later, after I mentioned i was going to break up with him and remain friends he tols me that he was scared that he might lose me. He just didn't want to think about it. But I went through with the break up anyway. It was needed. I do still care deeply for him and want to stay friends, and he does too. So the offical break up was fine.


But on last Friday, the day after I broke up with him, we got into another fight. I learned that he was cuddling with another girl while we were going steady. I told him I never wanted to talk to him again. He was so scared. He never let me go. I was talking with him from 8 to 2 in the morning. BUt then he explained everything and it is a forgivable act because I told him that it was ok for him to hug and kiss on the cheeks but I never said this was bad. He thought it wasn't. He is very flirtations, but he never kissed anyone else on the lips or anything else. He said that and so did everyone I asked who was around them at that day. He said that he was only comforting her, she was a friend and nothing else. he's like that, he has that feminine side to him. I can undersatnd that.


Then next day I said sorry about never wanting to talk to him again. I didn't mean that, and this time he was pised, really pised off. He was saying all sorts of stuff, like he had never been so committed to anyone before and never lied about anything. Which I now believe because honestly, he wouldn't lie to me, or anyone really. Everyone says that too. He's really honest. But then he never wanted to talk to me. So I said goodbye.


The next day, I checked my email and he said sorry about the way he acted the other day and he still wanted to be friends as well. Everything went wrong because of lack of trust (moviing too fast) and miscommunications (made judgements of each other that were false). So now were friends. I think he might still want to date me because he's willing to be friends, good friends. Especially since I broke up with him.


Ok this is where my question comes in. I have the feeling he still likes me in that way. He not only said in that letter that he thinks there is the slightest possiblity that we could get back together but he also said he thinks I am wonderful and he deeply cares about me. I do care for him too, and miss the times we had, but I have a question about all this. Does he still want to date me later? What if he asks me out again, later in the year? Should I or should I not? If I do, what to expect? Is he going to understand more about how I am and do something about it, or is it going to repeat the same thing before? If I don't, will it ruin the friendship completely? Is there a possiblity that we could be setting ourselves for a bigger fall in the future? Anyone who replies, I thank you. It really means a lot to me to find others opinions about these things.






(Lost in Feelings)

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Not to be mean but it sounds like he did not trust you a nuff to be away from you that long or he wanted to meet other girl.It has to be one or the other.True love makes poeple stay to getthere.It sounds like he might have a plan or he's making you think that he's going to miss you so that he has a girl to go to when all eles fails.facing the the truth is hard but you must look and face it and go on.A real man who loves a girl would say I will come back for you when Iam done and knowing he has a girl to come back to should keep him in line while he's at school.And That what we call trust.When you find trust,you found you Man.


please look at the road ahead,one day the right person come.


But I bet after this you will be much stronger then you are now and much more smarter to and you will have the power!

This is the first time I have ever written anything like this online. Sorry if I don't have good organization. This is the deal. I broke up with my ex, but for reasons that were understandable but also impulsive. I did it because he said he didn't know if we would remain friends when we go to college and he had a lot of college work to get done for the past month and he wasn't paying enough attention to me. But later he told me that he was scared that he might lose me in college, thats why he said he didn't know if he could keep in contact. I had to break up with him though. I felt if I stayed I would have no self respect for myself. I wasn't having a good time in the present and then i felt as if he wasn't even going to be there in the future. Later, after I mentioned i was going to break up with him and remain friends he tols me that he was scared that he might lose me. He just didn't want to think about it. But I went through with the break up anyway. It was needed. I do still care deeply for him and want to stay friends, and he does too. So the offical break up was fine. But on last Friday, the day after I broke up with him, we got into another fight. I learned that he was cuddling with another girl while we were going steady. I told him I never wanted to talk to him again. He was so scared. He never let me go. I was talking with him from 8 to 2 in the morning. BUt then he explained everything and it is a forgivable act because I told him that it was ok for him to hug and kiss on the cheeks but I never said this was bad. He thought it wasn't. He is very flirtations, but he never kissed anyone else on the lips or anything else. He said that and so did everyone I asked who was around them at that day. He said that he was only comforting her, she was a friend and nothing else. he's like that, he has that feminine side to him. I can undersatnd that. Then next day I said sorry about never wanting to talk to him again. I didn't mean that, and this time he was pised, really pised off. He was saying all sorts of stuff, like he had never been so committed to anyone before and never lied about anything. Which I now believe because honestly, he wouldn't lie to me, or anyone really. Everyone says that too. He's really honest. But then he never wanted to talk to me. So I said goodbye.


The next day, I checked my email and he said sorry about the way he acted the other day and he still wanted to be friends as well. Everything went wrong because of lack of trust (moviing too fast) and miscommunications (made judgements of each other that were false). So now were friends. I think he might still want to date me because he's willing to be friends, good friends. Especially since I broke up with him. Ok this is where my question comes in. I have the feeling he still likes me in that way. He not only said in that letter that he thinks there is the slightest possiblity that we could get back together but he also said he thinks I am wonderful and he deeply cares about me. I do care for him too, and miss the times we had, but I have a question about all this. Does he still want to date me later? What if he asks me out again, later in the year? Should I or should I not? If I do, what to expect? Is he going to understand more about how I am and do something about it, or is it going to repeat the same thing before? If I don't, will it ruin the friendship completely? Is there a possiblity that we could be setting ourselves for a bigger fall in the future? Anyone who replies, I thank you. It really means a lot to me to find others opinions about these things.


Sincerely, Tiffany (Lost in Feelings)

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