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Consolidated discussion - In dating/relationships, my gender has a much harder time

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Now now, lets be logical.


Those 12% of men are having sex with all the woman. Sure that means that most of those guys now are having 20+ kids, but the human race still goes on.


The rest of the 88% of men are angry virgins.


I'm 6'2.. Explains a lot about my younger days..

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people are entitled to their opinions but the way i see it, men, not women, are the only ones that need to know how to get a date and a relationship, or sex, and when i say the word "get", i don't mean with just the intention of getting something, i mean actually viewing the woman as a human being, actually wanting to date and be in a relationship with her, but since guys have to initiate, that means for guys its a matter of knowing how since they have to approach, for guys its a matter of skill, practice, or maybe born lucky with some "game" gene, it obviously took Michael Jordan loads of practice to become great at Basketball, overall, i think you should get the point i'm saying.


So you agree that guys don't want girls to approach them?

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Only if they're hot....



Guys only want women to be supermodels.


It's so hard :(

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Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment. So, as far as initial dating goes (prior to sex), women have it much easier than men. As far as serious dating goes (after sex), men might have it a bit easier.


But overall, it is obvious who has it easier. Just look at which sex generally has to throw cash into the mix (pay for the dates) in order to entice the other side to participate. The side that is being paid for obviously has it easier.

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It's not easy for a member of either sex to date if they're not ready and looking for it on some level. =/ And no, guys don't want women to approach them. An almost sure sign of a guy that's never been approached is talk about how much he'd love it if a woman approached him.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment. So, as far as initial dating goes (prior to sex), women have it much easier than men. As far as serious dating goes (after sex), men might have it a bit easier.


But overall, it is obvious who has it easier. Just look at which sex generally has to throw cash into the mix (pay for the dates) in order to entice the other side to participate. The side that is being paid for obviously has it easier.


I'd be happy to pay for dates, but men get all defensive and think I'm trying to take over or show that I have power.

Men think we have all the power so we spend all our time trying to be vulnerable which is then seen as a weakness.


Women cannot win.


Men have it easier in dating and relationships.

They dont' even have to cook or clean because the women do it for them.

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I'd be happy to pay for dates, but men get all defensive and think I'm trying to take over or show that I have power.

Men think we have all the power so we spend all our time trying to be vulnerable which is then seen as a weakness.


Women cannot win.


Men have it easier in dating and relationships.

They dont' even have to cook or clean because the women do it for them.


The good majority of women I dated couldn't cook for sh*t. That belief that women cook and clean is becoming wildly antiquated...

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The good majority of women I dated couldn't cook for sh*t. That belief that women cook and clean is becoming wildly antiquated...


But you still noticed they couldn't cook which means you expected them to, right?

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no, it's that 99 percent of women are stubbornly passive and old-fashioned, but only if we are attracted to the girl, same as you girls you only want the guy you are attracted to approach you, but unfortuneately beggars can't be choosers, that phrase applies to guys way more than girls sadly.


But how do we know if a guy is attracted to us?

Girls flirt heaps but guys never do so how do we know?

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But you still noticed they couldn't cook which means you expected them to, right?


Negative. I always cooked. When they'd try, it was usually marginal, at best...

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Guys only want women to be supermodels.


It's so hard :(


Honestly, I don't like supermodels. They tend to be too skinny, way too tall and have angry faces.


I prefer glamor models with huge boobs.

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Honestly, I don't like supermodels. They tend to be too skinny, way too tall and have angry faces.


I prefer glamor models with huge boobs.


See, more expectations.


We must also have huge boobs and not have angry faces.

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The good majority of women I dated couldn't cook for sh*t. That belief that women cook and clean is becoming wildly antiquated...


This is some of the truest stuff I've seen on LS to date. My current GF screwed up spaghetti. I could make that when I was 12.


My ex girlfriend was an amazing cook.


She could have been a chef at an Italian restaurant.


I gained at least 10 pounds in the six months I dated her simply by eating her food.


She also tasted good too :p

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See, more expectations.


We must also have huge boobs and not have angry faces.


I want small boobs.

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This is not a weight loss thread..




You actually do have a sense of humor :)

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The good majority of women I dated couldn't cook for sh*t. That belief that women cook and clean is becoming wildly antiquated...


Lani needs a guy who can cook....especially if they can grill steaks.

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This is the major difference between guys and girls. Guys have different tastes. Personally, I like skinny, petite, darker Asian girls with nice abs. I don't care about boobs (though I like a nice phat butt). SD, for example, likes white girls with big boobs.


What do girls like? The tall, muscular, white model with a six figure job that makes her a priority over everything else in his life. Bonus points if he has tattoos and has been in jail.


Generally, this is what all women want (now, cue all of the women saying they don't want this, while they secretly seek it IRL :laugh:).


Will getting tear drop tattoos and something on my neck make me a better catch?

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This is just a mirror image of the bitter man posts. The truth is that you can't really understand how hard it is to find a good partner these days whether you or a man or a woman unless you have walked in their shoes. The OP has not experienced from a man's point of view so she doesn't understand and I will say the same thing the other way around.

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Guys have different tastes. [...]


What do girls like? The tall, muscular, white model with a six figure job that makes her a priority over everything else in his life. Bonus points if he has tattoos and has been in jail.


Another reason why it's easier for men to find someone.

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It's true OP. Not how you discribed it though.


I get what girl I want. I'm a man. That's just how it is.


Maybe you can try growing a penis.

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there is obviously a power switch after the approach, the woman then holds the power there because she makes the choice whether or not she is gonna go on a date with him, give him her number or open her legs for him


If you want to continue to look at dating and relationships as some kind of power struggle in which you are doomed to be the loser, go right ahead.


You're wrong, though.


First, women can and do approach men. It's just not traditional, but plenty do.


Second, EVERYBODY has the "power" to decide who they want to date or to have sex with, except rape victims. Not just women.


You talk about women as if we're some kind of sex vending machine; the guy puts in his quarter but may be gypped because of the whims of the machine.



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And, for the record, I don't that many older women would do this. A good portion of younger women would definitely sleep with him if given the opportunity (regardless of what they say).


That's just dumb. I'm a younger woman- I'm 21. That guy is just fugly! I threw up in my mouth a little. And laughed a bit too, because he's trying sooooooo hard to look sexy, its a miracle he hasn't farted from trying so hard! :laugh:


I love how you speak for all women as if you know us. :rolleyes:

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Sure. Then we need to start a thread about how obvious it is that women are physically stronger than men too. After all, many people seem tho think that men are physically stronger than women. We need to look at the other side of that issue, because it must be equally as valid.


That is not a good comparison.


It is not universally agreed upon that women have it so much easier than men in dating. Plenty of men (confident ones) think that THEY have it easiest. So it is a valid topic to look at from different sides. I mean, if it were a worthwhile topic at all, which it really isn't.


This "women have it easier" seems to pretty much exist solely in special Internet enclaves. It's not really that much of a thing in the outside world.

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