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Chances of a Second Chance

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I been reading lots of threads lately..... people have had relationships that are just under a year to 7+ years long.

My question is: "Do you think the longer the relation was the more chance of getting back together?"


Obviously this is not a scientific question/study, I was just curious. I totally realize that this is a very broad questionas it depends on the reason of break-up, age and personality types, but I thought it was interesting and worth exploring what you think.


I guess this is my completely opposing thoughts on the matter:


1) Second chance is more likely with a long term relationship because you have a very significant bond, love and memories. The person may be more likely to realize what they have missed, don't want to lose the relationship if there is a chance it will work.


2) Second chance is less likely with a long term relationship because the other person is more likely to really think about the consequences of losing the relationship before "pulling the plug". In a long relationship all hope is gone to have the other person meet your expectaions, so it is really done.



Let me hear what you think on the matter...... if you can give examples or explainations of why you believe one way or the other I would love to hear them. If I am completely wrong.... tell me what you think.

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I tend to agree that when a relationship has had a substancial amout of time invested, it is more likely that IF a second chance is there... it will be more likely to occur in the relationship that was long term for the reasons you've stated.


However, from my own personal experience (and I know it sounds contradicting from what I just said above... LOL Women uh?!) but the longest relationship I had not only involved almost 8 years and 2 little people there isn't anyway possible I would ever give him another chance even with the time, history and most valuable things in my life (my wee peeps) involved.


The reason being... that the relationship was broken beyond repair. I really do believe that there are somethings that time cannot erase... and in this situation, time made me better and made me understand that I'm a better person in SPITE of him then I ever was with him.


My currant relationship has been almost 2 years... and oddly enough although it has been extremely difficult at times the chances of 2cnd chances have always been greater than in my previous relationship... but if I'm honest about it, I don't know that it's so much the person my BF is or that I feel there is more to lose as it is.... *gulp* I'm afraid to fail... does this make sense?


Fear I believe drives a lot of people to second chances that they may not otherwise give....

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