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Why are guys so attracted to girls who ignore them?


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Sometimes its a challenge aspect. I admit to being attracted to some hard to get girls in my lifetime.


Yes, I agree. It used to happen to me in the past quite often.


Then, as I became more experienced, I began getting the girls that had evaded me previously. I began to realize that I only liked them precisely because I couldn't have them.


I believe that, with maturity and experience, most intelligent people will get out of this stage.

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This is false, based on your posting history.

My posting history?


How far back are you talking here?


Things I said over two yeas ago?

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I could never understand why guys go crazy for girls who give us little attention. It is true when a girl wants you. you don't want them, because you know you can have them. But when a girl shows little interest you go CRAZY for them.


Is it just me, or does this apply for all guys? What do you guys think :)



a lot of socially awkward young people (both guys and girls actually), tend to mistake someone who has a simply nice nature for someone who's being nice TO THEM specifically.

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apple OR orange

ive always wondered the same thing, i think there grow out of it, however yet to be proven on that one....


personally, i am not interested in any woman who doesnt like me, hence why i am single.

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My posting history?


How far back are you talking here?


Things I said over two yeas ago?

In recent history, there were two women in your dance class that were interested in you but you weren't interested.
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In recent history, there were two women in your dance class that were interested in you but you weren't interested.


ROFL! Are you serious?


How did you misinterpret what I said to me being interested in ALL girls that give me attention?


Please try harder if you're going to troll.

Edited by somedude81
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I could never understand why guys go crazy for girls who give us little attention. It is true when a girl wants you. you don't want them, because you know you can have them. But when a girl shows little interest you go CRAZY for them.


Is it just me, or does this apply for all guys? What do you guys think :)


I guess it depends on what the women in question look like, along with a dozen other factors.


Jessica Alba look-a-like wanting me <> me turning her down.

The ugly step sister wanting me... do I need to go on?


As for chasing after women?

Little attention <> rejection.

You have to give a woman something to miss before you stop giving her time & energy. If she misses you she will come running.

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With me, it's simple: girl shows interest in me, I get more interested in her. Girl ignores me, suddenly I'm not so interested in her. I can't imagine it being the opposite. I mean, there are so many people around you who aren't giving you the time of day; are you attracted to every one of them just because they ignore you?


My break-up of a 5-year relationship was easier precisely because because I saw my girlfriend had lost interest in me. This helped me to build up my indifference towards her, and hence the break-up was much easier. No-contact went smoothly.

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I personally don't agree with this. If anything this is more accurate for the women I know..not the men.

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I'm glad that you guys are so different than everyone else on Earth, and don't react to the same triggers as other people :p

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There is so many women that would ignore me that it is like an untold prophecy in my life.


At first, I wanted them more because I was stupid. Now, I don't even give them the time of day. I also tend to take note that they have their own problems like a rude boyfriend, a child or two that they can't handle emotionally, and other issues (financially).


So I tend to shake my head and move on with my life.

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I'm glad that you guys are so different than everyone else on Earth, and don't react to the same triggers as other people :p


I can understand how it might be different for some people who have had no problem attracting others their whole life.


It's like that movie Hostel. These guys get sex so easily, they want more of a challenge and so start cutting people's faces off. OK. An exaggeration perhaps.


But for guys especially who can't get that many woman, just getting the woman is the big win, and the big accomplishment.

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Some people get addicted to the brain chemical-induced "highs" that come from an unpredictable relationship. On the flip side, dealing with the "lows" of being ignored can be very depressing. You become accustomed to fighting for that precious "fix" of feeling liked by the person you desire.

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Mme. Chaucer

Hey! This is the mirror image of the millions - ok, maybe it's only hundreds - of threads and posts about how girls only like "bad boys" who pay them no attention.



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I could never understand why guys go crazy for girls who give us little attention. It is true when a girl wants you. you don't want them, because you know you can have them. But when a girl shows little interest you go CRAZY for them.


Is it just me, or does this apply for all guys? What do you guys think :)


Sadly I somewhat fall into this category.


Now in my case I've never had a situation where a girl wanted me but I didn't want her, hell I never had to reject a woman in my life.


I'm not the guy that has to find the sexiest girl in the city and ignores all others, I'm definitely not looking for a challenge of any sort.


In fact the women I approach are generally plain average girls sometimes even quite below average and yet never any interest in me so I'm still that guy chasing women who have no interest in him, unfortunately I have no choice.:(


For me ALL women show no interest towards me so I've always chased women who never showed any interest towards me, and quite frankly I realize how stupid that is as I've been rejected literally 100% of the time.

Edited by Necris
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It's obvious. Men are natural hunters and get off on "capturing" something that evades them.


You can't completely ignore the guy or he will see no point in the pursuit. But if you don't chase HIM but respond favorably to his advance, then you're golden. The guy will feel like he's accomplished something he had to work for.

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Some people get addicted to the brain chemical-induced "highs" that come from an unpredictable relationship. On the flip side, dealing with the "lows" of being ignored can be very depressing. You become accustomed to fighting for that precious "fix" of feeling liked by the person you desire.



This is me

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Some potential reasons:


1. Lack of women who are interested in them


2. Weaned too early


3. Distant mother figure


4. Peer integration issues, specifically relevant to puberty/adolescent cross-gender interactions.


5. Socialization to be a winner, top dog, head cheese, etc. A guy who quits when refused or ignored is a loser. Winner and loser. Everyone loves a winner.

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The whole "Want what you can't have" thing, I tend to see more as "Want what you wanted in the first place, and don't get over it even when you can't have it".


I don't think men want the women because they can't have them. They just STILL want them.

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I could never understand why guys go crazy for girls who give us little attention. It is true when a girl wants you. you don't want them, because you know you can have them. But when a girl shows little interest you go CRAZY for them.


Is it just me, or does this apply for all guys? What do you guys think :)


Oftentimes the girl is 1) hotter than the others in his eyes and 2) she isn't totally ignoring him but playing hot-and-cold.


If you're a guy you can do this too. Say there's some girl at your work that you like. Be really nice, charming funny, then ignore her, say you're going to call then don't, then give her a call, etc.


So it's not 'ignoring' but 'mixed signals' I guess.

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