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dry humping


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Hi, my boyfriend and I are in our early-middle twenties. We both are virgins and we have decided to wait until marriage. However, we tried dry humping and he ejaculated. I was wearing jeans and he had shorts on. is it possible that i get pregnant if his semen gets through my jeans? I would appreciate any information and advice on this.

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It is highly unlikely you'd get pregnant through your jeans. However, those little crawly spermies are mightily interested in perpetuating the species and they fight like hell to beat each other to the egg. I would say anything could be remotely possible and if it happened you could make the Guiness Book of World Records. Chances are nil.


For now, don't worry about it. If for some remote reason you do come up pregnant, you could get some serious child support from Levi Strauss.

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I appreciate the virtuous nature of your decision to remain virgins until marriage. Are you getting close to marriage? I hope so, because this sounds like torture to me.


If you let him hump you once, he's going to want to hump you again. You probably already know that and it's why you are worried about getting pregnant through you're jeans. But then again, maybe you are looking for an excuse to tell him he can't hump you anymore.


If you are worried about getting pregnant - I suspect it's highly unlikely that you will get pregnant in this manner. I am not aware of any studies that have been done to assess the statistical possibility of it actually happening. Let's just say it probably won't happen.


If you are looking for an excuse to keep him from humping you anymore, then tell him you heard somewhere that it's possible to get pregnant that way and you don't want to take any chances.


Now, please tell me...Did YOU have an orgasm amid all this humping? Or did he even care?

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It is highly unlikely you'd get pregnant through your jeans. However, those little crawly

got me wondering, what if i was wearing boxers and i was doing this to my girl, and she was only wearing her underwear. could she get pregnant?

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If the seminal fluid got to the vaginal region, there is a possibility but, again, a very slim one. If you are having sex in this manner, there is no reason why you can't turn away from the area immediately prior to ejaculation.

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Thank you for answering my question. no i'm not looking for an excuse, I love him very much and yes he cares about me having orgasms. I was probably ignorant about dry humping. once again I appreciate your advice.

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I would go so far as to say there's a ZERO chance, not next to zero, but ZERO. If you got pregnant by this dude over dry-humping, I will personally pay for the kid's college education.


Buy be careful, the friction burns if you wear jeans can really hurt. If you're gonna dry-hump, NO JEANS!

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to have sperm pass through jeans, you'd have to have your zip undone, your pants down your ankles, and then do them back up again. i'm pretty sure that's the only way it can get to the other side of the jeans. or else it's industrial strength semen to power through that denim.


...but don't quote me...it's been a while...

Is it safe with jeans even if semen passed through your jeans?
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