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should I be worried...advice fast.....

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my bf hung out with his best friends gf while I was away with the girls this weekend and the best friend was aon a business trip should I be worried?

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I'm sorry you're so scared. Please give us more information so we can advise you. The two of them simply spending time together should not be a cause for concern, unless there are unusual circumstances.


And I wonder...if your worst fears are true, and he is not fully committed to you, how big of a problem would that be? And why?

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The four of us are good friends. They own a house and since me and my bf only see eachother once a week or so ( we live at home and live 1 hour apart) we hang out there on weekends and they let us have our own room...I have a huge anxiety of being cheated on. I have been before so im scared it will happen again. I have told him this and he claims he understand. His last gf cheated on him. We have been together for 1.5 yrs. The only othery thing that i dont like is there is this gir; (a cousin of one of his frinds) that calls him every friday night to see if he wants to hang out. He ither doesnt answer or if he does or sees her at the bar he said that he tolder her to stop calling he isnt interesed and his gf doesnt like it....I have asked his sister and friends and they are like "ewwww" god no he isnt interested in hrer "TRUST ME" she is blah this and that....but again doesnt help my fears. To this day 1.5 yrs later she still calls. He said he has told her to stop calling but cant be too rude as it is a fami;ly friends cousin

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well here is a question.. does your boyfriend live near the friends? does he spend more time with them than you do?

I'd say if all 4 of you are good friends, then he was most likely just hanging out with the girl in a friendly manner because everyone else was out of town so they were keeping eachother company. I am in the same situation where there is 4 of us that hang out all the time, and if two of them are gone, i will hang out with the 3rd person, whether it is the guy or girl or whatever, because we are all friends so it is no big deal.


Do you have any basis on worrying about him and this particular girl? has he shown any kind of interest in her before more than friendship? is he flirty with her? If he isn't then i would say it is harmless..

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