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Female friend has feelings for me???

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Yes its one of those again. (Im a dude)

Every situation of friendzone is different.


I would like it to be more than just friends, and I plan to tell her how I feel very soon.

Just if I could get some pointers... and if I should expect the result I wishes for or not. So I can brace myself for at negative outcome :)


But I still thinks it could be good to get a female perspective on this, or someone more experince on the subject for a guide. :)


I have en female friend(obviously), we´ve been friends for a couple of years(4-5 years), with about 2 years apart while be both were in relationships. (Nothing has EVER happend between us in terms of hooking up and stuff like that).

Anyways, we started talking again for about 6 months ago as she contacted me, while she was in a messy break-up(she ended it)... and I was single at that time.

Anyways, we´ve started talking/texting about everything, like, funny things, movies, I helped her pick out a new tv, love, sex, our attraction to the opposite sex(like what WE were looking for in our next better half). After that we´ve been texting close to everyday. She always write me godmorning messages and godnigth messages. Some days I havent writin her for a day or so. If she dosent hear from me in either a day sometimes a lot less, a couple of hours, she will send me a sad smiley saying like, "were is my Bass???:(" (a nickname i Danish meaning kinda like Boo in honeyBoo).

We´ve been together a couple of times as friends, just the two of us, having a movie nigth. At first we were just sitting/laying next to eachother watching laughing and stuff like that. But lately we´ve started cuddling to the movies, especially scary ones. Where I would be on my back and she would be half way laying across me. One of the movie nigths she said I could spend the nigth if I wanted to... all up to me, if I wanted to. So I stayed... She said she wouldnt mind it if I curessed her and she almost never would fall asleep while being curessed.


So We spooned and I curessed her arm and shoulder and she said it was nice, and after a while she DID fall asleep :)

The next day I got up, got dressed we hugged and I went home... Nothing happend between us that night.

Anyways, we´ve been to town with a couple of her friends, (a couple of weeks before the movie nights) and I would invite a friend too, just to not look like a sop :X

She would be next to me all the time, come looking for me if I went some where and a whole lot of poking me, till untill I got irritated. I think also I told her to stop(in a nice laughing way). But she didnt.

When it got late, me her and my friend decided to take a cab home. It was around 6 in the morning. I knew she had to be at her moms place for some family stuff at around 10 o´clock.

On the ride home she asked if she could come and sleep at my place. I asked if she didnt have some plans and wouldnt it be better if she sleept at home!

Dont remember if she answered. Anyway, we spend the night together(a couple of hours) and we were cuddled up close to eachother huggin. At around nine, she got up, got dressed, dont remember much of what was said. We hugged and laughed and she went home.


Anyways, thats kindda what has happend between us.


She still texts me everyday, talking about everything between heaven and earth.

The thing is she never brings up anything about other guys and stuff like that. If I mention some girl I meet in a club or in bar and have gotten a phone number from. She would congratulate me (with blinking and teasing smiley faces)and ask if it has potential, is she nice and stuff like that. Nothing in details.... sometimes she would change the subject afterwards. Like, "damn I also want to find some one... I need to get laid soon". But I know she dosent sleep with anyone she´ve meet in town or on the first date. she is kinnda old fashion in that way.


Anyways, we havent seen eachother for a couple of weeks now. But we text eachother every day... and a lot.

She is always laughing at my jokes, s´funny pictures I send to her and stuff like that. Saying "You are so funny, you always make me laugh". And sometimes if she is down I send her a funny text or a picture. And she will say stuff like "You just made my day, now Im smiling again, thank you"(with a smiley face).

And thats another thing, she always uses a lot of smileys/emoticons. Sad, laughing, kissing, blinking and stuff like that.


Now I know most of you would think that this is a sure thing.


But Im not so sure.

She dosent have any other guy friends... not that I´ve know of or have ever heard her talking about.

So I cant compare if it just how she is or if she is just so happy to have me as a friend... beacuse Im good at cheering her up when she is down.


And sometimes it IS more like she is just happy to have a good friend who she can turn to. As I am always there to write back or support. (Not like a sop, twisting a turning for her every move or request). But as mentioned before, if she is down, with some family stuff, workrealted or what ever.


Well thats a long story, but maybe it can give some ideas, to what I should think.


Btw. Dont know if its important. But I AM a handsome guy, who often has girls around me, and almost never had had any problems landing ladies ;) ..... Untill now I guess :p

She is also a pretty and attractive lady, eventhough Im not sure if she is all aware of HOW pretty and attractive she is... To me shes a godess :D


The end.


Hope someone will read all of it, sorry that it got so long. But once you start writing it kindda just flows :)


In advance thanks for the advices. :D

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