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Boyfriend jealousy, ?

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So about a month ago or even a month and a half I was dumped my boyfriend of over a year. I was devastated but I slowly healed and I figured since I had never had experiences with other guys, this was my chance. I had sex with a guy friend of mine and it was not that great of sec but it was fun to experience something new.


But yesterday I went to get some old things of mine from my exes house and he said he wanted me back. I was so happy because our breakup was over some really immature issues. But we both came clean about things including my new experience.


Now today he is breaking down with jealousy. I told him that the sex was bad that I don't think another man will ever please me like him and that he needed to realize that I only did it because I thought I would never be with him again and that I love him. He wants to stop having sex for now because he feels self conscious about it and I told him that is Ok and that I'm willing to be patient and help him. I understand why he is upset because I am easily a very jealous girlfriend. I want to fix this for him because our love for each other is so incredibly deep and we want it to work but this is eating him apart.


What can I do to help him move on? I know it may take a long time.

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Well he should not have dumped you then, if the thought of you having sex with other men is killing him. I mean, what did he expect? That you would just sit still and stare at a wall until *maybe* he changed his mind?


You should tell him that what's done is done. You can't go back and undo the sex. Tell him that if the sex with that guy friend was so wonderful, you would be with him, no? You would no longer be available to your boyfriend.


He's acting like you cheated, but you didn't. You were technically not in a relationship when you had the sex, you were free to do whatever you wanted.

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Ya he knows he shouldn't feel this way as much as I do. But I think I'd feel the same if he was the one who slept with another person. I just want to know what I can do to help him move past this

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