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Only friends or is there more?

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We had been going out off and on for a few years until August 2003. She found a new guy late September 2003, and had been going out until Sunday just past.


We didn't really speak since we broke up, until mid-September. Unfortunately one of my close friends past away, she knew him also and was a great support for me and we became really close. I didn't realize how close we had become until the 'where do we stand' talk.


There was always something special between the two of us, we got on really well. She dumped her boyfriend yesterday, and had the 'where do we stand' talk with me today. She asked 'Do you see anything ever happening between us again?'... I said 'Yea'. She said that wasn't the answer she wanted to hear. But then went on to explain that she broke up with her boyfriend because she still had feelings for me.


I am really lost. I don't understand this at all.


She shows signs that she is really interested. If she wanted to be only friends then why mix things up by having that talk, I was behaving like a friend. She invited me out on Friday night, she texts me allot.


I am really lost with this.


Does anyone have any ideas?

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She does have some interest in you, but something is holding her back - that's the reason for the contradictory messages. The something might be lingering interest in the ex, reluctance to hurt you, memories of your breakup a year ago and its causes, or almost anything!


You can either ask her as a friend to clear up the contradictions, or you can take it for a few more weeks at a low level and see if the messages get any clearer.

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