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When is it time to move on

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My boyfriend and I have been together for awhile. It seems like all I do is work,come home,eat and go to sleep.The "Man" however doesn't have a job and just sits around on his laptop sex chatting with other people on some black people chat site (we are white).

We dont have sex any more seeing as he masturbates w/people online all damned day! I'm over it.We fight about his online activities weekly.He tells me he's trying to cut back,then eventually stop all together.I dont think he'll ever be able to stop.Checked his history(that he carefully hides),he was on some black/cuckold site talking to people while I was on the phone with him screaming at him about being on these damned sites! Wtf?! I am going nuts,feel like it's cheating.He says it's not.I see it as it's keeping him from getting a life and helping me out w/home stuff.What can I do to turn things around

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I think a good time to 'move on' is today. In my perspective, he sounds like he prefers a comfortable life, with no job and actively using chat websites, daily. You can't turn this around... only he can (if he truly wants to). I think you can do a better man than this

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Whatever he says, what he is doing is cheating. I was once in a similar situation with a guy that would sit and go on chat rooms all day meanwhile little old me was sitting at home dreaming about how perfect he was. unlike you I had no idea he was doing this but when I found out I asked him to stop.


It feels hurtful and he also said he would stop but he never did even after I ended it with him a while after I found out.

I think you should just leave too.


It's really not worth hanging around for you can do much better than this guy.

If you really want to stay though sit down with him and make sure he had your full attention, so if that means pulling the plug from his computer do that!

Tell him it's not what you want from the relationship and you should be the person he wants to to things with and spend time with. Tell him this ends now or we do.


good luck with whatever you chose to do. icon7.gif

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Cheating or not, and I'm not going to get hung up over the term, this dude doesn't sound like he has anything going for him.


You basically have a teenage boy living with you. So completely not attractive.


Why aren't you out of there already?

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When is it time to move on? Ummm...yesterday!


You are mothering a lazy, irresponsible, selfish child. This is not healthy relationship material. Kick him out of your nest and get on with your life.

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It sounds like you're the breadwinner, and as long as you continue supporting him he is never going to grow up. You're clearly better than this guy, and why do you want to come home everyday to someone that cannot pleasure you but instead spends his time masturbating on some chat site? Kick him out and let him find someone else that will support his immaturity.

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lol sorry but what the hell is a black people chat site?


Anyways, everything about him sucks. Porn is one thing but chatting online with real people is crossing the line, imo. It's different than porn. Even with that aside the guy is a loser.

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A black people chat site is a site dedicated to white people that love or are curious about dating,being dominated by,or seeing their wives w/black guys. We've taken a break.The only reason I haven't broken up with him is because he's admitted to me that he has a problem w/sexual addiction.And he's willing to seek help,to make us better and earn my trust back.Im a little down but if he really is willing to get help during our break then Im hoping for the best.

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Whoaaaa get out of that relationship. He sounds like some animal who should be locked up. He isn't a man, letting you provide for the house while he does that with other weirdos online.


Jesus the time to move on was yesterday. Get out of there and don't look back.


Good luck- you deserve so much better X

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well virgobitch1 u sure as heck deserve better than a lazy man-child. he sure aint no hard working Capricorn, or is he? ahaha. well all i say is he like anyone deserves a second chance, but YOU also have to effectively communicate about how you feel so he clearly understands your future actions. i advise you to give him a chance and if he fails, then throw him out. he needs to literally grow up and get a freaking job!! he above all is disgusting for looking at porn and not showing you love

he is disrespectful and wasting your valuable youth. u deserve better as i know u are hard working. stop maintaining a low life and meet someone who truly loveS you!!

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