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Need Advice About Ex-girlfriend A.s.a.p

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hello!! im here 4 some advice that i really need!! heres my situation well, me and my ex girlfriend have separated for about 8 months now!! the reason 4 the separation is that she cheated on me!! i mean im a very sweet, funny, romantic and nice kinda guy!! i mean today i see her with her new boyfriend even though she was still with me at the time when she started talking to this other guy!! well, the point is that i really want her back even though she cheated on me, and i know this sounds crazy 4 trying to go back with her!! but i mean we have too much history with each other!! so im here lookin 4 answers, so here it goes, i mean should i wait 4 her, move on even though i have, but i still want her to be in my life as my girlfriend!! i mean i need advice from people that have waited to get back with their exs. My other question is what exactly did u do when u and ur ex have broken up and later you guys hooked up again!! i just need advice about how to get her back, i miss her alot, i think about her alot, so please help me okay write back A.S.A.P


P.S. I was wondering even though we're not together anymore, does she think about me? or what goes threw her mind when she sees me or hears my name mentioned in a conversation?

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Urban Rubble01

Well, if it were me I wouldn't get back with her. The thing is man, even if she came back, you'd always have it in the back of your mind that she cheated, and resentment would build. Also, you'd always be suspicious, that is death for a relationship. I just don't think it's worth it, too much has already gone wrong, I think the chances are slim that even if you did get her back that it would work. She cheated on you man, I think that's all she needed to say to let you know how she feels.


I was wondering even though we're not together anymore, does she think about me? or what goes threw her mind when she sees me or hears my name mentioned in a conversation?


Well, nobody knows her so we can't quite say. I'll tell you what I think though, if she cheated on you and hasn't tried to work things out in 8 months, she's over you. I suggest you get over her. Sometimes I envy your position, at least you know what's going on. My girl and I are "on a break" and I have no idea whether I've lost her or whether I'll get her back. You should take some comfort in the fact that you know where you're at and you know what you have to do to feel better: Move on.

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