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I've been with my girlfriend for 8 months now and she's my world. I'm 20 and she's 19 and we've never fought or argued. However the other night at a party I was very drunk and began to have sex with a girl from work, mid way through I realised what I was doing and stopped immediately.


I'm in pieces about it, part of me wants to tell her but I can't bear breaking up with her which I think would be the result of me telling her. Is this something I should live with or should I tell her?

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I agree that even with copious amounts of alcohol EVERYONE maintains awareness of their actions- unless you were drugged...


I don't think it matters whether or not you were aware of it...it happened...you say it wasn't pre-meditated...there were no feelings involved and you are sorry that it happened.


It was clearly a serious error of judgement and you regret it.


I always think honesty is the best policy, as the risk is if you don't tell her someone else will...the old saying- 'the truth will out' is an old saying as it is quite often true. Better telling her on your terms, do the decent thing and let her decide. To say nothing would be dishonest and cowardly, they are not qualities people look for in partners- at least not where I come from anyway (earth).


I'd say do the right thing and tell her. If you are truly remorseful she may be hurt, but she will see that you are sorry. If you don't then do you really even care that much for her, if you aren't giving her the option to decide she deserves to make...think about whether or not you would want to know- if it was her who had made your mistake....


good luck...hope it all works out...


p.s probably best if you don't drink if alcohol does that to you:/

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