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The Nervous Game!!! LOL

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hey guys, just wanted to see what ya'll thought of the nervous game.


I'm in highschool and this is a middle school thing, but it came up in conversation with a few of my guy friends the other day and we sorta started playing it, lol.


For those who dont know what it is, it's where someone puts their hand on the knee of someone of the opposite sex and asks them, are you nervous? they continue to move their hand up the person's leg asking are you nervous everytime they move up, allowing this to progress to wherever they want to.


:::wink wink::: lol


Well, tell me what ya think!


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When conventional sexual harrassment is frowned upon, make it into a game!

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Originally posted by dyermaker

When conventional sexual harrassment is frowned upon, make it into a game!


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"Had to bed", huh? Seems like you weren't chicken in the least :p


Heh, I love freudian slips ;)

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Originally posted by whichwayisup

What ever happened to 2 mins in closet and spin the bottle??? Guess I'm gettin' old.



The thing with this is we're not old, it's just not a game anymore, because we won't ever chicken out or get nervous. It's a kid's game :laugh:

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Originally posted by johan

I'm making myself nervous right now. Oh yeah, I'm getting really freaked out.


Just stop before you get too high up, you know, you could become blind or get hair on your hands, or something :lmao:

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