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Help Me Need Advice .

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what should i do. i have chatted online for a yr before i met this guy in person in aug. of this year. we went out on a date seeing each other once a week. i have been on 4 dates with him. in the later part to the mth. his mom is visiting from beijing for 3 mths . he has not seen her for 2 yrs. the problem is that he has never called me on the phone and always communicated with instant message or email only. two i have been in his house and it doesn't look like he is married. three he hasn't seen me since aug. till his mom leaves in november. he chats online with me and tells me we will see each other after his mom leaves. i don't know what to do wait or go on with my life? the only thing that bothers me is that i have given him my phone number and he has never called me on his cell phone. what should i do?

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It could really be a lot of things. First question: Is he your "boyfriend" or are you two just dating? If you don't talk on the phone ever, that is just strange. I'm guessing he is of Asian decent? Are you not? In some cultures, you aren't supposed to date/marry outside of your race so maybe he doesn't want his mother to be upset on her visit? If you have his number, call him and ask him whats the deal. If not, be very clear in your emails and messages how you feel if you two are supposed to be bf/gf.


Good luck :)

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