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should i dump my girlfriend or talk it out?

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She's a dirty little tart.


Keep her around for the sex until you find someone better, if you can handle that emotionally.


Either way, this relationship is over.

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She's a dirty little tart.


Keep her around for the sex until you find someone better, if you can handle that emotionally.


Either way, this relationship is over.


The only issue (aside from morally) with this is that it puts him as risk for STDs/pregnancy with a girl he can't possibly trust.

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There's nothing left to talk about, bro. Kick her to the curb and never look back.

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so i talked to her...she said it was wrong and she should have told me and that she did consider it but she didnt and she does love me and wants to be with me

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so i talked to her...she said it was wrong and she should have told me and that she did consider it but she didnt and she does love me and wants to be with me


and then?????

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...and then, she sent him a text telling this guy to back off, leave her alone, never contact her again because she's with someone, and then deleted his number of her phone, after also blocking it...but I still dumped her.


...He didn't say yet.


But I hope he does....

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so i talked to her...she said it was wrong and she should have told me and that she did consider it but she didnt and she does love me and wants to be with me


Yes, I can see how she really loves you:lmao:


She didn't cheat on you just because the other guy was not free, she even admit that she consider it .... I guess some guys have been born with a doormat complex or something...

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so i talked to her...she said it was wrong and she should have told me and that she did consider it but she didnt and she does love me and wants to be with me


So you asked if you should talk it out or dump her, and everyone said dump her, but you talked it out?


You know she's only with you because the other guy isn't available right now, don't you?


I hope there's some good make-up sex.

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we are gonna talk more about it tonight


and THEN???

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we are gonna talk more about it tonight


You're young.

You're allowed the illusion that 'talking about it' will miraculously change someone's natural cheating tendencies to 'I love you alone for evermore'....


She was discovered.

She didn't confess.

She didn't tell him to clear off.

She told him maybe when he's single... meaning she would either dump you and be single herself, or go behind your back.


You need to kick her out of your life.


What exactly do you have to talk about?


If she's the one who wants to talk, maybe she should have thought of that BEFORE creating a cheating scenario....

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ahhhh she has him totally under control... what a total disaster... I hope at least she is giving him good sex!

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ahhhh she has him totally under control... what a total disaster... I hope at least she is giving him good sex!


She's young, and the wild ones usually f... quite well, I'm fairly positive he will get off a few more times with her.


Jason, just have your guards up. There are others who f... well too but are more trustworthy. Depends on what you're looking for. But I get the vibe that you're emotionally invested with that girl. It's about time you reassess that.

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ahhhh she has him totally under control... what a total disaster... I hope at least she is giving him good sex!


Gracious man youse guys are funny

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apple OR orange

your in a catch 22 here (both ways you wont win).


She lied to you for an easy life NOT becouse she wants to be with you. She knows how to control you (well did till you checked her phone), now your a loose canon, she has to change her whole game, which i bet should wont like doing so you will be replaced quiet soon i think.


She didnt cheat on you "that time", however she will when shes drunk..

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Ok at age 19, there should be a "no tolerance" policy. I mean, you two are so young, and there is zero chance that you will be together 5-10 years from now. Any upsetting factor should be grounds for termination of relationship. During this phase in your life, you should be enjoying and having fun. There is no room for cheating this or that. There is nothing to really work out because the kind of relationship you two have is very fragile anyway. Don't waste time to talk things out. Leave and be happy.

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you all are gonna hate me but i decided to stay with her


she told me she really didnt mean it to him and that she agrees i should be mad and she is sorry for it.

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you all are gonna hate me but i decided to stay with her


she told me she really didnt mean it to him and that she agrees i should be mad and she is sorry for it.


I don't think anyone will hate you... we think you are wrong and that is a totally different thing. I actually wish you luck (you will need it!)

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That's okay. Sometimes it's better to learn by making mistakes, and you're only young.


I totally believe that she's sorry... but perhaps sorry that she got caught.

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Calvin's wagon



Like Therhythm said, no-one hates you, but we all wish all the best for you and feel sorry for what you're letting yourself go through.


Like sillyanswer said, when we're young and inexperienced, we make mistakes despite being given good advice. I know I didn't listen to good advice and stuck around in a very toxic and bad relationship. I wish I hadn't stayed for so long.


Anyway, just two pieces of advice:

1.) Read a book called "No more mr. Nice guy" by Robert Glover. You can read it online for free (google search "No more mr. Nice guy pdf" and click the 7chan.org link). It has helped me a lot, and, since you remind me of myself in the past, I hope it will help her.


2.) Use protection (condoms!) when having sex. My ex cheated on me, and a couple of times I didn't use condoms (she was on the pill). Had a pregnancy scare and went to get tested for STDs. Was lucky both times, but I'm glad that I was otherwise so insistent on using protecting. I can't imagine having a baby with her, after all that had happened.


Best wishes, and if/when you'll want to talk more, let us know!

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you all are gonna hate me but i decided to stay with her


she told me she really didnt mean it to him and that she agrees i should be mad and she is sorry for it.


Will u be checking her emails texts calls etc in future? Do u trust her?

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Will u be checking her emails texts calls etc in future? Do u trust her?


no i wont and yes i trust her.


i know she honestly cares about me and it happened 2-2 1/2 weeks ago so i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt

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no i wont and yes i trust her.


i know she honestly cares about me and it happened 2-2 1/2 weeks ago so i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt


O well if it was that long ago then there is no problem :lmao::lmao:

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