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should i dump my girlfriend or talk it out?

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no i wont and yes i trust her.


It's okay. There's no point in checking her emails and phone any more because she'll be much more careful about deleting the evidence.

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Oh c'mon guys, cut the fellah some slack.


He's young, and guaranteed, this will fizzle out at some point anyway - she'll go her way, he will go his and this will just be another episode of young love going through the process..


I'm inclined to agree that she will in all probability be the one to end it anyway....but while they're together, let them get on with it!

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If you are planning to stay with her tell her you are setting boundaries and there's no easy pass for her because she's going to have to earn your trust back. She needs to stop talking to the guy and she needs to change her number.


Remember she's the one in the wrong. If she's not willing to let this guy go, she's not willing to value you or the relationship.

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well i stayed at my girlfriends last night and there's a guy she slept with before me who still texts her. she said that last week he texted her wanting her to come over to get together. she said she said no but for some reason her answers didnt match up


so this morning she was getting ready for work and her phone was laying by me. now i don't wanna be that guy that can't trust his girlfriend because i do trust her but well i checked the texts and after he said "lets get together" she said " get at me when your single ;)


i of course flipped out. she was upset i looked through her phone which i understand but i couldnt believe she actually siad that to him. she said "did i cheat on you? no!" but i said "it sure made it seem like you wanted to"


she said she understand i'm mad and that i should be upset with her


i really don't know what to do


should i talk it out with her or just dump her?


She is playing games.


She did not say no, but left the opportunity open.


But she did not say, yes, come over.


She is probably just flirting...although some girls, would come out and say they are in relationship.


Are you guys serious/in a relationship? Have you claimed her? How long have you guys been dating?

Edited by ReelAhdvice
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She is playing games.


She did not say no, but left the opportunity open.


But she did not say, yes, come over.


She is probably just flirting...although some girls, would come out and say they are in relationship.


Are you guys serious/in a relationship? Have you claimed her? How long have you guys been dating?



yes we are serious...we been dating for a month

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1 month - ?


4 weeks - ?!


I've had cakes that have lasted longer!!


Serious is 6 months or more - this??

Not serious yet, by a long chalk!


Honey, please tell me you don't for one nanosecond believe she's your one and only - and 2 weeks into your relationship she's flirting with some other dude, and making suggestions to him?


Look, kid around with this for as long as you want. Have fun, great sex and a good time. Just be in it for the ride....but don't for an instant believe this is long-term, dedicated, serious one-to-one true love.


Because if you get into THAT grove, your deliberately expose your heart to everything that could possibly be thrown at it.

And you'll only have yourself to blame, because we tried to warn you.

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1 month - ?


4 weeks - ?!


I've had cakes that have lasted longer!!


We haven't around here but that's only because we have a dog.:laugh:


Serious is 6 months or more - this??

Not serious yet, by a long chalk!

Honey, please tell me you don't for one nanosecond believe she's your one and only - and 2 weeks into your relationship she's flirting with some other dude, and making suggestions to him?


Look, kid around with this for as long as you want. Have fun, great sex and a good time. Just be in it for the ride....but don't for an instant believe this is long-term, dedicated, serious one-to-one true love.


Because if you get into THAT grove, your deliberately expose your heart to everything that could possibly be thrown at it.

And you'll only have yourself to blame, because we tried to warn you.


You guys haven't even really evaluated the whole love stage yet. Too soon, way too soon.


It's way to early to sign in on this one.


Buddy, just sign off. Think of it....she's already killed more than half of your "exclusive relationship."

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You checked her private property!? What kind of boyfriend does that!?:eek:


Nah. I'm just messing with you.


Dump her.


I bolded the above because it's a trait 93% of the daters on this website have when they think something is up but are too nervous to confirm it.


They usually say, "I don't want to snoop or invade their privacy."

And then the cheater says, "you invaded my privacy and found out about how I was risking exposing you to STDs and wasting your time and Blameshifting and gaslighting you!? How dare you!?


Ironic, no.

If she's telling this guy "green light as soon as you're single and my bf isn't looking" well, *ahem* that's cheating!


Or "you know, I'll even wait until we are both single to screw you." that means she's already into screwing him much more than a relationship with you.


So that means that you should ---- her.


I'll let you fill in the blank there.


Hint: It may be four letters but the word isn't a substitute for intercourse.


If you can't trust her anymore (it's obvious) and you're in the dating stage, it's time to go find someone you can trust.


I stop short of saying "YOLO" because I'm turning 31 next month and after you turn 30, highschool slang seems idiotic and makes you involuntarily throw up in your mouth.:sick:


She should've had more respect for you then to be texting "Old Booty Call" there anyway.


And she'll minimize it all to Hell and back.


You'll see threads on here where a girl even claimed "it wasn't cheating because it was 'vanilla' sex." :lmao:


Yeah, because cinnamon would've crossed the line....



When people cheat 99.3% of them get defensive coming up with 53 reasons why it's your fault.


Another thread (from just the last couple days) is from another girl who cheated with a guy at a party because she felt "unloved" and now her exbf is "a jerk, obtuse and uncaring" for dumping her and refusing to take her back. Even after "he influenced her" to cheat. Please. :rolleyes:


If this girl wants to be "good time girl" you've got a problem just waiting to explode. Don't treat someone like a priority when they are treating you like an option. Stay on the sane page in a relationship, or end the relationship.


You seem like a nice guy. There's no way you can't do better than this.


when I read your OP...I pretty much thought everything in this post right here.


Thanks dreamingoftigers for saving me the typing! :p


+1 vote for dump. =]

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If you are planning to stay with her tell her you are setting boundaries and there's no easy pass for her because she's going to have to earn your trust back. She needs to stop talking to the guy and she needs to change her number.


Remember she's the one in the wrong. If she's not willing to let this guy go, she's not willing to value you or the relationship.


No. She has this guy screwed. Probably cried and apologized which seemed sincere. She got caught. He falls for the crap they hug she's probably grinning while they are embraced knowing she has this guy's head. Wash and repeat. Its over for this guy he just doesnt know it.

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you all are gonna hate me but i decided to stay with her


she told me she really didnt mean it to him and that she agrees i should be mad and she is sorry for it.




Your choice.


If you're young that sort of thing is really no big deal however as you age and relationships become more serious you ought to pay good attention to the women who say/do things like that.


The thing is when you are young there's really nothing on the line except for your teenaged dignity but when you're say 27, have a job, car, looking at buying a house, allowing a woman into your life who isn't trustworthy is bad luck.

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As my best friend's band "sam coffey and the iron lungs" says....."you gotta lose that b*tch quick!"

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yes we are serious...we been dating for a month


*cough*... all right... err... wow...


You aren't even out of honey moon. Jack sh.it is serious. The only thing serious in that RS is the heart ache that you will experience with that girl. But that's all right. You will learn.


That's why these forums are only of limited use. And so is every other source of conserved knowledge. Reading, talking or hearing doesn't teach. Pain does.

Edited by umirano
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*cough*... all right... err... wow...


You aren't even out of honey moon. Jack sh.it is serious. The only thing serious in that RS is the heart ache that you will experience with that girl. But that's all right. You will learn.


That's why these forums are only of limited use. And so is every other source of conserved knowledge. Reading, talking or hearing doesn't teach. Pain does.


LOL dating a month hahahahaha...eh nothing like learning the hard way...

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Dump her.


If it hasn't happened yet, it probably will down the road.


Better to get yourself out now and save some dignity.

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yes we are serious...we been dating for a month
You are making a very big mistake but it's understandable because you sound very inexperienced...


The message you're sending your girlfriend is that she can type totally classless replies to guys who are trying to have sex with her ("get at me when you're single") and suffer no consequences. You are well on your way to becoming a door mat. I sincerely hope this "phase" of yours ends as soon as possible. The longer you're a door mat, the more pain and betrayal you'll suffer...believe me, I've been there (probably when I was the same age you are now)

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Darren Steez
no i wont and yes i trust her.


i know she honestly cares about me and it happened 2-2 1/2 weeks ago so i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt


lol cares about you enough to say to another dude "Get at me?"


They banged, they have history, when a guy tells a girl he banged before come over, he knows he doesn't have to do 85% percent of the work to "get at her" especially if it's implicit they know what might happen if they are alone together.


It might not happen now but at some point it will.. and by taking her back even after she's disrespected you, she's gotten away with it, meaning not only doesn't she respect you for taking her back but she sees it as if she can do this and get away with it, you value her more, once there's inequality you're in big trouble.

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Here's what I need you to do. Take your hands off the keyboard. Stand up straight, look in the mirror. Take both hands stick them down your pants and grab your balls, feel them to make sure they are there. If they are break up with this gutter snype if not you can probably find your balls in her purse.


I asked this in another thread but,


What's the deal with "balls in the purse?"


I wouldn't keep a guys balls in my purse.

(Ironically enough I actually lost my whole purse yesterday, so if I did do that, poor guy......)


I keep my makeup in my purse for Chrissakes!

Not to mention the smell. :sick:


To all of you ladies out there: I recommend keeping them in the freezer, in a Tupperware container. I have been led to understand that they take up less

space in cooler temperatures. :laugh:

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What a moronic thing to say. The girl basically is asking for sex with another guy and he is overreacting?


Well looks like he agreed that he was overreacting cuz they're back together. Not so moronic after all I guess :cool:

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Well looks like he agreed that he was overreacting cuz they're back together. Not so moronic after all I guess :cool:


Yeah he sounds very inexperienced from the tone of his posts. I hope it all works out for him.

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he called her today lol..at least she told me


Erm, she hasn't blocked him?:eek:

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Was he letting her know that he's single?


no he told he ri went to school with him and he said im not her type


she told me and i aid why is it his business and he's just jealous and she agreed and told me not to worry about it

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So not only is she willfully still in contact with him, shes letting him run u down.


Holy crapola dude. How can u be with her. Shes gonna break u.

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So not only is she willfully still in contact with him, shes letting him run u down.


Holy crapola dude. How can u be with her. Shes gonna break u.



idk what she said. maybe she stood up for me?

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