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I think she's the love of my life! (quite long...)

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We've known each other for four or five years, we worked together whilst at University, and in the 3 or so years there, we flirted non-stop. Everyone could see it, telling us to just get it over with and hook up (bad part: I had a girlfriend, and was committed to her, I know it's wrong, I liked this girl and enjoyed her company though). Me and my Mrs broke up, I thought maybe my crush and I would get together, missed my chance because I'm a fool that can't see the signs and a little later, thinking she wasnt interested I started a relationship that turned out to be awful for me with someone else.

I'm single, have been for a while. Think about this girl all the time, we talk now and again (I should have mentioned we both have "grown up" jobs now).

A few weeks ago she suggests meeting up for drinks, I say yes, have a great night!! A week later, same again but with another guy we worked with as well... The three of us were to meet at the bar, but she suggested I head to hers and walk along with her, so I did! Just the two of us for an hour, amazing!

When we head home, she walks one way with him, I head in the opposite direction (jealous of course). I text her (a little drunk) making obviously funny comments about the two of them to which she responds saying "No! No, not at all...!". So I think excellent, and suggest the two of us meet up again for drinks. She replies saying that she is in lockdown as her new job requires further exams over the summer. I thought that's it, I tried, oh well.


But she texts me now and again, randomly and out of the blue. I'm almost positive that a few years ago we were perfect together. I almost worry that she's out of my league, gets a lot of attention, genuinely nice, used to mock me in a playful manner (which added to the people telling us to get together), everyone wonders why we arent a couple! My friends, ex-colleagues, parents, even my now ex thought we would end up together.


I don't know if her saying she was in lockdown was her way of saying no, or if I should pluck up the courage and tell her that I like her!? Thing is, I'm not shy normally, but in these cases, yes. And we don't call each other, never have. Any advice would be much appreciated! I dont want to think in years to come that I have missed out on my perfect partner.

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Like you said, you don't want to miss out on your perfect partner and life is too short to keep losing your chance. You only get so many chances. Do something big and romantic and tell her! Make her feel special and loved.

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^ Ditto what she said.


Make her feel special and loved. Go for it.


And remember, actions speak louder than words.

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