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mixed emotions

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Those of you that read my last forum knows that I am married to an abusive, drug addict husband whom I left a couple of weeks ago. I met another guy whom I became good friends with. I went back to my husband because he told me he would change and quit the drugs which he has done. Recently my male friend whom I was hanging out with while I was away from my husband told me he loves me. Is it possible that someone can love another person in only a couple of weeks. He knows that I am back with my husband. The strange thing is I may have feelings for him. I do want to work things out with my husband and reiterated that to my male friend. He told me today that he can no longer see me or talk to me because he loves me and it would hurt him. Any advice on what to do about these mixed up feelings.

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it takes a lot longer for a drug addict to quit, after only a few weeks he hasn't quit. stay away from the crazyness

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