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I witnessed a strange scene the other night


An acquaintance (30) was living out of state for awhile with her aunt. She has 2 young kids, and has had an ongoing relationship with a 40 yr old married used car salesman who is in the middle of getting a divorce. A couple of months ago she came back to this state, got a job, and apparently plans to marry this guy after he gets his divorce.


She heard the guy has been messing around with some 20 yr old who has become very infatuated with him


On Memorial Day she and the guy (who has moved in with her) hosted a BBQ. I attended with my date, and there were 3 other couples. After eating, etc. we went inside to watch a movie.


All of a sudden the front screen door opens (guess it was unlocked) and in walks the 20 yr old gal (based on the description I heard), actually she BURST in, said “Hi” to the 40 yr old guy laying on the floor. Asked him why he lied and told her he had moved to Florida for a job. She slapped him across the face and knocked off his glasses. He jumped up, slugged her, and knocked her down. She started crying, a couple guys helped remove her, someone started to call the police but was stopped. I heard the guy tell her to get out and that he would call her tomorrow.


After all that we were uncomfortable and left. The other day I got a call from the 20 yr old asking questions. I don’t know where she got my name or number but I told her I don’t want involved and hung up.


What the ..............??


Edited by applej4
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It was a flash mob of one. :p Just an expression because that's what it seemed like.


What I found interesting was him telling her he would call her, which he most likely did.


But bursting into someone's house, uninvited, assaulting someone is crazy imo. (Although I feel him punching her was over the top.)

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Ok...so the guy's a lying, using scumbag who punches women. Be still my beating heart. He's lucky ALL she did was slap him across his worthless face.


So where's the part where the flash mob shows up? I missed that.


He defended himself. Sure he is a cheater and deserves the consequences, but a woman should never put her hands on a man or else suffer the consequences - equality is a bitch when both genders have to endure it.

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Hey Apple, how was the movie?


What a scene to witness though...



He defended himself. Sure he is a cheater and deserves the consequences, but a woman should never put her hands on a man or else suffer the consequences - equality is a bitch when both genders have to endure it.


Well, if equality existed in this situation, she would've turned around and slugged him. There was no "equality" in this situation.

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Makes used car salesmen everywhere proud. ;)


For purposes of discussion, relevant to the battery, we can reverse genders and observe the dynamic discussion resulting. Essentially, it is socially and legally verboten for a man to ever touch a woman in a way not approved by her, but essentially irrelevant legally and socially for a woman to touch a man in such a way, or demean him, or threaten him. Men are 'stronger', therefore they must endure assaults and batteries from 'weaker' opponents, with women described as 'weaker'. No matter that the woman may be stronger, more skilled at fighting, or insane. She's 'weaker'. Don't touch her. I won't, assuredly. Smith and Wesson. Judged by twelve. Done.

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He defended himself. Sure he is a cheater and deserves the consequences, but a woman should never put her hands on a man or else suffer the consequences - equality is a bitch when both genders have to endure it.


He didn't have to punch her. He should've showed some restraint and just pushed her away, especially considering the fact that she had good reason to be angry.

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He didn't have to punch her. He should've showed some restraint and just pushed her away, especially considering the fact that she had good reason to be angry.


Well, this 20 +/- yr old woman’s mother (and father) apparently didn’t teach her 1) not to lay around with married men and then 2) when they blow you off not to chase after them and 3) not to call someone you don’t even know and try to drag that person into your pathetic drama.


If he had just taken the slap and had the other guys hold her down, called the police, she would have been arrested.

Edited by applej4
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I guess I should cut her some slack…..20 yrs old hung up on a 40 yr old married philanderer who punches women. What she did was crazy :eek: (like Fatal Attraction without the knife) and like I said she could have gotten arrested. Hopefully she’ll realize the guy is bad news.

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