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What exactly does this guy mean?

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I have known this guy for three months quite by chance I'd say ... and I can safely say we were becoming fast friends. We had weekly conferences and sometimes even managed to have the extra one or two during the week (see this is a long-distance friendship which was turning into something special). We emailed nearly everyday and he was even planning on coming to visit laer this month.

He made me feel very special and our conversations were very open and honest. Anyway to cut a long story short, he sent me an email telling me that he'll be online at around noon and asking whether I had time for our usual conference. I wrote that he should send me the usual email when he goes online as a sign for me to sign in. A few minutes before noon he wrote again saying that he will send me the usual mail after lunch. Then two hours later he wrote to say that his schedule is full and he he has lots of things that he did not manage to do in the past weeks. (I know for a fact that he has been very stressed with pressing work deadlines.) He said that his world at the moment is in chaos and that he will write when he has time and ended the email with a sorry.

Ever since that day (one week ago) I have not heard from him. Should I worry that something bad happened or is this just a way to say that he is not interested in keeping the friendship going?

This is so out of his character and that makes me puzzled. Can anyone please advice?

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You aren't a priority. I would move on. If he decides to rethink his priorities and where you might fit in, he knows how to contact you.


If you are so inclined, you can send him an email asking if everything is okay. Personally, I wouldn't bother. He may have found someone better/closer. Either way, suddenly getting multiple cancels then silence from him despite your clear interest in continuing the connection...not promising.

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I agree with cutiepie. Someone with solid interest in you would make you a priority. If he isn't going through some sort of bad time in his life or perhaps his work has caused him undue stresses...then I would close the door on this and move on. Good luck to you.

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