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Re: I'm caught in a Love Triangle! HELP!

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Are you sure a long distance relationship is going to work? I know you probably are in love with this guy, but maybe you need to slow it down. You're very young. He obviously loves or cares greatly for his girlfriend. He did take her back or vice-versa. I find nothing wrong with expecting more out of your mate. Maybe the best thing for him to do, is go back to school. If you've never actually spent time with him, maybe 2-3 months, he possibly could be painting a picture for you that isn't so clear. I think maybe you might want to slow it down and consider other options. (meet other people)

I am in love with a man I met on the Internet. He is 26, and lives in Utah. I, on the other hand, am 18 and live in NY. He has a girlfriend and they live together. She had left him when we first met, so there were no problems. Now that they are back together, he feels guilty that when they are together, all he can think of is me. I am really in love with this man and I don't want to lose him. Can someone please tell me what to do? His girlfriend also seems to be the kind of woman that isn't happy with who he is. She wants him to get more ambition and go back to school. He doesn't want to. It seems that this woman really hurts him, lowering his self esteem. I wish I knew what to do! If you have any advice...Both of us would appreciate it. Thank you -mary-
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Are you sure a long distance relationship is going to work? I know you probably are in love with this guy, but maybe you need to slow it down. You're very young. He obviously loves or cares greatly for his girlfriend. He did take her back or vice-versa. I find nothing wrong with expecting more out of your mate. Maybe the best thing for him to do, is go back to school. If you've never actually spent time with him, maybe 2-3 months, he possibly could be painting a picture for you that isn't so clear. I think maybe you might want to slow it down and consider other options. (meet other people)


He's confused and unmotivated to move his life forward. Find someone geographically close to you, closer to your own age, who is free and willing to commit to you alone. Better yet, think about what you want to be doing with your life aside from have a love interest: school? career? travel? friends? You have alot ahead of you, good things. Concentrate on those and the right person will come along.

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