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Any takers?

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This is what I don't get as well. On the professional sites there isn't a whole lot of personal stuff -- none in mine or the other people I'm connected to. Why would you look? What does it get you even if you do want to have a peek? I'm with you that if you wanted to contact him that would probably not even be an option you'd take. If you wanted to see what he's doing in life it's not the place you'd be going. Well at least I wouldn't be.


On this site you can join groups that have nothing to do with your profession if you want and you can put personal information on there (likes, hobbies, interested, etc) - in fact you can put your entire résumé online as well. It gives current information about where you are working now and where you have worked in the past. It is the fastest way to locate someone if they do have a profile on there. Mine is set so no one except my connections can see anything- not even my picture - they would have to request to connect with me to see anything. The anonymous views I get (which I know come from bs or xom) are just curiosity looks to see if anything has changed or if I have made my profile more public.

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If you are on the full site clicking on the x on the right of the name should prevent them from popping up as "someone you may want to connect with". However one little miss to the left and now you are suddenly viewing their profile. There is another button that actually says "connect". It would be easy to mistakenly send a request.


I don't know if that has happened because the op hasn't really answered my question - did she view the profile or send an invitation to connect?


The other thing is you can actually set your profile that there is another step before you can connect - like you have to answer a question first (how do you know so and so) and also another step where you actually have to out in their email address before you send the invitation. So there are ways to make it more difficult to connect and apparently this xom has not done that (nor has his wide - lol).


At any rate, whatever has been done is done - just don't do it again- lol.


I think I answered this a few times...

I did NOT view him. I did NOT look him up or request to connect.

I was on the app...it's nothing like the PC version as far as I could tell.

As I never requested him as a contact, I would have no way of knowing if he or his wife have set up any of these additional roadblocks you speak of. I never left that list and miraculously I had requested to VIEW his profile. I never actually saw anything at all...other then stars of course when I realized what had happened.

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Summer Breeze
On this site you can join groups that have nothing to do with your profession if you want and you can put personal information on there (likes, hobbies, interested, etc) - in fact you can put your entire résumé online as well. It gives current information about where you are working now and where you have worked in the past. It is the fastest way to locate someone if they do have a profile on there. Mine is set so no one except my connections can see anything- not even my picture - they would have to request to connect with me to see anything. The anonymous views I get (which I know come from bs or xom) are just curiosity looks to see if anything has changed or if I have made my profile more public.


I bow to the master! I know little about it to be honest. I would never put my resume on a site like that but that's just me. I've never looked for one on any of the sites like that. I figure if someone wants a job I either get a recruitment agency and get it there or they send to me directly if they apply for a job I advertise. Live and learn! Thanks for setting me straight though. Sometimes being a dinosaur has advantages.

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