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Am I wasting my time?

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Hi everyone!


I just met a guy online about a month ago..we really like each other and everything..the issue is that he lives in Chicago and I live in Milwaukee and he is 18 years old and attends college..I am a single mother of a 4 yr old and 24 years old..I really like him a lot and we have already met..he grew up here and has family here and doesnt live too far away so he has no problem coming on the weekends...I'm just wondering where this will go.. we have had sex already..we havent said anything about a relationship....I dont expect that from him but of course I want it..we email everyday and he calls me on the phone about everyday..I am wondering if I am wasting my time..what do you think :confused:

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Originally posted by brethree

Hi everyone!


I just met a guy online about a month ago..we really like each other and everything..the issue is that he lives in Chicago and I live in Milwaukee and he is 18 years old and attends college..I am a single mother of a 4 yr old and 24 years old..I really like him a lot and we have already met..he grew up here and has family here and doesnt live too far away so he has no problem coming on the weekends...I'm just wondering where this will go.. we have had sex already..we havent said anything about a relationship....I dont expect that from him but of course I want it..we email everyday and he calls me on the phone about everyday..I am wondering if I am wasting my time..what do you think :confused:


Well honestly I think is a lot of ways you're setting yourself up to fall down.


He is only 18 years old.. and while 6 years isn't that big of an age difference the two of you are in very different places in your lives.. he is just getting started with school, and you a single mom of a little person..


Secondly, you made a decision to become intimate with this guy and it was never discussed that this would be an exclusive relationship.. not that, that is right or wrong.. but when you're wanting a relationship with someone and not just sex with them on occassion.. I think it would have been wiser to have waited on that and talked BEFORE sex occured.. JMO.


Last thing.. because you're a single mom (and I am too) just be careful who you may choose to introduce into the little persons life.. because it can become very confusing to them about who this person is, when you're not sure yourself where things are at in the relationship.


If you really want a relationship with this guy.. then don't allow yourself to become a "good friend" with a "benefit package"

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kelly, I understand where u are coming from and thats what point I'm at..I mean I just got out of a relationship and I tell myself I don't want another but then the thought of having sex with someone with no committment kinda makes me feel bad..but anyway..I will just see where it goes and try not to get my feeings involved..I mean he is alot younger and at an entirely different place in his life..whenever I start feeling a little sad..I just tell myself that he has a little penis anyway! which is sad cuz I shouldnt say that cuz he's so sweet and I like him but it's true..but the sex is great so..I will just have fun and see where it goes...

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Originally posted by brethree

whenever I start feeling a little sad..I just tell myself that he has a little penis anyway!




Sheesh! Poor guy :laugh:

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