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Is it common that girls play ignorant to get the guy to make the first move????

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It might be a wierd question. But Im wondering...

I have e female friend, which I like a lot. She likes me also... just not sure in which category Im in, though. Friend, or potential boyfriend.


I´ll keep it short.


We have known eachother and been friends for at couple of years, on and of with some years between. We dont hang out that often, meaning we do hang out a couple of times a month, either at a social thing, but sometimes also just the two of us alone... Having cuddly movie nights and stuff like that.

She writes me everyday, and many times. Talking about a lot of stuff, from work, to movies, friends, and sex... she also uses a LOT of smileyfaces/emoticons : kissing, blinking, laughing, most of the repertoire.

Ps. There has been a bunch of mild "innocent" flirting between us in the texts we´ve sent eachother.


Now to the actual question.


We´ve talked a lot through texting. I told her that I have a big secret that I wanted to share with her, and that I REALLY want to tell it to her.

I mean, I tried to be discrete, but it´s kindda obvious that my big secret is about me having feelings for her.


Now the thing is, I asked her if she had any ideas of what the secret could be about.


But she says she has no idea, what so ever.


Is she just stupid/ignorant???

Or is she playing me, because she wants me to make the first move??? (maybe so she can act like its a nice surprise)

Or beacuse she hopes its not the thing that I have feelings for her???


Keep in mind she has NEVER said stuff like: We are just friends, you are my best friend, like a brother to me... and that kind of freindzonies standard stuff.


Also never has she said anything negative or contradictive when we play: "Future fictional relationship" (stuff like how or kids would be if we ever had any).


All right it got a little longer than I wanted.


But it´ll be nice to hear some females perspective on this one.


Thanks :)

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I don't think that you can take much information from this answer (that she can't imagine what's your secret). It's good that she likes the fiction relationship game. For what i have experienced , women ignore you to take your attention , you can do the same though. My advice is :

1) ask her if she has a boyfriend or if she wants someone ( this will make her think wtf is going on with you, think about you as an option) and if she says yes ask her who? if she tells you that she likes someone goto option 2

2) you have to tell her what you feel. If she just tell she likes "someone" (that could be you) , your chances are higher , if she says i like (specifically someone else) chances are low. Either way you should tell her if you are ready. I suggest you saying this: " I have developed some unexpected feelings for you some time ago", and go on say what you feel (DO NOT SAY THE L WORD). good luck.

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I agree with lonely hero.......



when you say i have a secret do you have any idea what it is ...its a guessing game isnt it.......i wouldnt call it ignorance to not know what you are thinking...people are not mind readers....most of the time......



i think you should just tell her hey i have feelings for you have for a while...woudl liek to get to know you better..and take it from there.........what have you to lose?........deb

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She probably does know, but doesn't want to sound presumptuous.



I've done it.


I am usually quite good at telling whether guys are into me or not. But, on the off chance I might be wrong, I would never "bite" into that kind of "guess". I would always say "no, I have no idea what your secret is". Because... imagine I think *that* is the secret. And the guy asks if I know what it is I say yes and he's like... "er... no... I just got a new job..." Awkward!

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She probably does know, but doesn't want to sound presumptuous.



I've done it.


I am usually quite good at telling whether guys are into me or not. But, on the off chance I might be wrong, I would never "bite" into that kind of "guess". I would always say "no, I have no idea what your secret is". Because... imagine I think *that* is the secret. And the guy asks if I know what it is I say yes and he's like... "er... no... I just got a new job..." Awkward!



lol @ the new job...yessss....awkward....:laugh:......that would suck wouldnt it......deb

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