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Go for it, or no?

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Hello everyone,


I would love some feed back on this situation. There is this guy I met, Steve, through a mutual friend (Katie). I've known him for about a month but we haven't really gotten to know each other. Last night a group of friends and I had celebrated finishing community college. We went to a restaurant and later we were going to have a bonfire. I wasn't going to go because I had work early the next morning.


All of a sudden Steve walks into the restaurant as we are about to leave and starts chatting with the group. He is invited to the bonfire. His response to this is "Only if Maddi (that's me) and Katie go" and he gave us both a huge grin. I couldn't resist, so I said I would go. I ask for directions and Steve asks for my number so he could text me the address.


We all go to this bonfire and Steve sits next to me the whole time. We have great conversation with others adding in every once in a while. As it gets late everyone decides they want to leave, except Steve and I. We try to convince them they are lame for ending the party early but no one really cared. I hugged my friends goodbye and was about to leave. Steve comes running up behind me and says "you forgot me." I turn around and we embrace. It was a great night but it left me wondering.


Is there something between us or is it just being friendly? and if there is something between us what should i do about it? He is transferring to University about an hour away.

Edited by M_S_B
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if you have a car an hour is not that bad... yes he is in to you, go for it maddi!

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