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Can anyone Help me out about my friend


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:( HELP PLEASE!! Why would a friend email you telling you(Do not write me anymore. I NEVER want to hear from you again!No further contact at all, EVER!! And you have no clue as to why since the last time was about a wk ago you heard from him and he was fine and said not to worry he just wanted to talk.. Then now this .He is married we have been friends for about 19yrs now..Could of it been his wife?Im hurt by this

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Were the two of you Just Friends.. OR were the two of you having an affair? :confused:


Even if the two of you have been friends for 19 years.. IF an affair started and this guy is as you've said married.. then yeah it's very possible the email was sent by his wife.. or the email was sent at his wifes insistence.


I could be wrong.. but I'm getting more from what you haven't said, that this was an affair.. otherwise, why would you suspect his wife would send you an email like this? why if you've been friends with this guy for 19 years and obvioulsy keep in contact with him, would you not also be friends with his wife.. see what I'm saying?


Again.. could be wrong.


However IF this is the case.. then rest assured his wife knows and now he is kissing a** trying to make things right with her..


Move on.

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