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u all ar ejust a bunch of loosers who cant get some i bte u all just sit raoudn farting off about your problems in rea life as well.. face it your all loosers giev up and ge a life

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Your post indicates a high degree of low self esteem, perhaps in part from your inability to communicate effectively in the English language. Suggest working to improve your language, grammar and spelling skills. Also, do things to built your self esteem. Take classes, get more education, undertake challenging hobbies, do more for others that will better their lives.


Those who put others down do so to build themselves up. If this forum has helped you achieve that end, it has worked for you.


This forum has been a Godsend for many people around the world seeking advice to improve various aspects of their lives.


In your post, you suggest the people here are losers and should get a life. I suggest that if you yourself had a life, you would not find it necessary to post such nonsense here because you would have far more productive and constructive things to do with your life...again, if you had one.


Best wishes for happiness, improved self-worth, and a great Holiday Season!!!

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...and you are the world's crappiest typer.


anyway, you obviously have time to sit around and look up sites and post messages.....why aren't you out 'getting some' right now? maybe that's where all you're angst is coming from tonight :)


this site is fantastic for people who don't sit around farting off about their problems in real life. it's also fantastic for those who do. so if you ever want to come back.....


well, that's all for me for now. i should be out getting a life and 'getting some' :p


nic the loser ;)

u all ar ejust a bunch of loosers who cant get some i bte u all just sit raoudn farting off about your problems in rea life as well.. face it your all loosers giev up and ge a life
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...and you are the world's crappiest typer.


anyway, you obviously have time to sit around and look up sites and post messages.....why aren't you out 'getting some' right now? maybe that's where all you're angst is coming from tonight :) this site is fantastic for people who don't sit around farting off about their problems in real life. it's also fantastic for those who do. so if you ever want to come back..... well, that's all for me for now. i should be out getting a life and 'getting some' :p nic the loser ;)

the biggest loser always sees the smaller loser so i suggest


you stay on the site and train us to be real losers like you (small loser cj)

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In your post, you suggest the people here

are losers and should get a life. I suggest that if you yourself had a life, you would not find it necessary to post such nonsense here because you would have far more productive and constructive things to do with your life...again, if you had one.

u are just ejalous of whati have that u don't. stop ravign like a freud weannabe and takew a look in the mirtror.. bucko

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u all ar ejust a bunch of loosers who cant get some i bte u all just sit raoudn farting off about your problems in rea life as well.. face it your all loosers giev up and ge a life

well for someone who has a life as you staate that you do and we do not you come here often hey. one suggestion , go back to school learn how to write then come back and post a note that will not take so long to read, i think that you are a very angery person and that you have to say things to people that you do not know because the person or people that you are really mad at will put you into place or even more that you are not heard from them, you like it that you got some responses from here, so if you want check in very soon, you will have many more...


have a nice life buddy

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