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Is it possible to crush on someone while in a relationship?

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I'll just sum it up quickly. I've been in a relationship for two years and I'm very much in love with my boyfriend. Still get butterflies, love him dearly, etc.

In college, I met a another guy who quickly became a good friend. For a few months I never felt attracted to him until one time at a party he got really drunk and admitted he liked me. I don't know if he was joking. Ever since then, there has been this weird tension between us. Not bad tension but.. intense.


To clarify, I'd never cheat on my boyfriend and I love him so much it hurts, but this other guy is just an enigma.


He gives me these signals that he likes me. The other day I saw him and he needed to help me fix my cooker and to move me out of the way, he sorta held my shoulders for a few seconds and was behind me. He constantly tousles my hair and calls me by my second name. Once, we were sat on the sofa and he was showing me college work on his cell and came over to me and sat right next to me, in my personal bubble, and when I picked up his cell, he held it too and looked at me in the eyes and I made an excuse to get up because it just felt too intense and it scared me.


He disappears for days and then will randomly contact me out of the blue to see how I am. I don't understand. I'm so confused. Does he like me? Is he being a friend? Do I have a crush on him? Why does this bother me? What?

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It sounds like I could be him.


I currently am crushing on a taken girl. I'm not as physical though.


It's hard to say if he likes you for sure or not. Does he ever bring up other girls when you guys hang out? How often do you hang out? What do you do when y'all hang out? Does your BF know about him, and to what extent does he know him?


Sorry to say this, but you need to straight out your priorities. If you really love your BF like you say you do, then you need to avoid this "friend." Whether or not he likes you, you need to figure out what to do with you current BF before something bad could happen between you and your friend.


So, either commit to your current or dump him.


Stop playing this game. It's wrong to your BF, to you and to your friend.


And I say this as the friend because that's the position I am in now. It sucks. But a taken person is a taken person. It's too messy. It's wrong. No matter how much we might try and justify it.


So, figure out what you really want... what you really need. And I'd communicate this with my BF. It's hard, but it would be healthy to get it out in the open. If you're disclosing your friend from your BF, then we are heading down a slippery slope.

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I am sorta in the same boat as the poster.


Totally can see now, why they say things get messy.


I'm not a good one to give advice, as I'm needing it myself!


Good luck to you.

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Does he like me?


Yes. But he may be flirting as well. He knows you are already in a relationship


Is he being a friend?


He is a friend, that's why he helps you with the stuff.



Do I have a crush on him? Why does this bother me? What?


Sure, you have a crush on him. It bothers you because you like him.


I feel it's not good to be friends with him any more.

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