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Does my ex want me back im running out of time

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So me and my ex were together for 1.5 years. But then she mentioned she was transferring schools a couple weeks before she left. We had a huge fight and she ended up hooking up with a guy in front of me to hurt me. There was no kissing just alot of dirty dancing ,touching and flirting. Well she left for the other school without saying goodbye and its been NC contact ever since. Its been exactly a year now with no contact and she has been posting alot of things on facebook to get my attention and to make me jealous and I have been doing the same. So i guess neither of us wanted to make the first move. Now school is over we both graduated and she moved back to her home country miles away. And a few days ago i just saw that she updated her fb status to a new relationship with this new guy that she has never mentioned, I know what he looks like and he does not like her type at all and im way more attractive so he may be a rebound but im not sure. Also she never mentions him in her statuses or even has a picture with the two of them together like most couples do. I kinda want her back but I am not sure if its even going to work, because she moved back to another country and I have no idea how we are even going to meet up again since I usually saw her at the school we both went to. Anyways im deliberating whether to let her go or not, its been 4 days now since the relationship update with the new guy and still no signs of a girl being in love which was obvious when we first met, so im wondering if its just a trick to get me running back to her. This is my first true love so I have a soft spot for her and im afraid im going to lose her forever if i dont do something right now but i dont want to embarrass myself.


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Nothing here is a sign that she wants you back. If she does want you back because you both have a soft spot for each other, the only way to find out would be through direct communication.

Even if she does have a soft spot for you, there are still the logistical issues you mentioned. But if your main goal is to find out if she has a soft spot, then direct communication would be the only way. Reading tea-leaves on FB is pointless.

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Ummmm.... where exactly is this "soft spot" that she has for you? She gets mad at you and basically cheats on you right infront of your eyes (by the way, how did that night end?). She posts stuff on Facebook to get you all upset. And she left you without a goodbye. NOW! She's living in a different country. Dude, that's not a soft spot for you...that's vindictive and just plain mean.


Dude, you seriously need to block her on Facebook. You need to heal and move on.

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Well the only reason why i think she might have a soft spot for me is because she got jealous when I pretended to be in a relationship to get back at her for messing around with the guy at the party. So I dont know if she is doing this for revenge or trying to get me to comeback to her from the NC. I just feel terrible that we ended on such bad terms we were good friends and now we hate each other. If anything I just want us to be friends again without her hating me. But i fear she is just setting a trap to regain the upper hand and get revenge for what I did to her. The only reason why im even thinking of contacting her is because I dont believe the relationship is real, she is still on the website quite often and makes no mention of him and neither does her friends.

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