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Hi..I am Jacob. My girlfriend's expecting a kid which I believe is not mine. But she keeps on saying it's mine. But I caught her cheating on me few months back and am confused about the child's paternity. Is there a trusted paternity clinic where I can go and have my doubts cleared??

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any paternity clinc should do! Tell her that since she cheated on you around the time the child was concieved that you would like a paternity test. If she denies you these rights I would leave her and say I will not be apart of your life, nor this child's life until I find out if he is mine or not. I feel bad for the child, but you don't want to raise a kid that isn't yours with someone who cheats! I know I wouldn't anyway.

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also, hire a lawyer if she will not comply with your demands. You have the right to know, especially if infadelity was an issue.

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Have a paternity test performed shortly after the baby is born (within weeks). Decline having your name placed on the birth certificate until after paternity is determined.


As Will 1988 said, any clinic will do.

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Right, any clinic that does this testing should be fine. It's not like there are significant numbers of crooked paternity testing clinics out there.


However, I would definitely make sure that any needed samples are gathered under your supervision and you maintain strict chain of custody. I wouldn't leave samples in the hands of someone you don't trust. (Or continue a r/s with them either, for that matter.)

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In some states if she tries to put you on child support the courts will ask you if you want a paternity test. You could get one that way. Check with the court system in your state.

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I feel for ya, Jacob.


Is your girlfriend against getting a paternity test done? If not, then it's all very simple. Once the baby is born, if you cannot get the test done at the hospital, look online for labs nearby. I went through LabCorp, and they were able to find the nearest clinic to me and the mother. We both went in separately, they did a quick swab, took my picture and fingerprints, etc. etc. And a couple weeks later, I received the results.


Hang in there. Hopefully your girlfriend is willing to do this, and doesn't bring negative emotions into it. That only complicates things. But -


If your girlfriend is against the test, and kicks and screams about not wanting to do it and why its unnecessary, or whatever, then you will simply have to get it court ordered, which is another process.


Either way, make sure it gets done. You sound determined to know the truth. Good for you.


Until the baby is born, and results are in, try to stay calm, and find some peace in knowing it will all be resolved.


And once the results ARE in, well, you're life will definitely be different than it is now, yay or nay. If you don't mind my asking, do you want it to be your child?

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