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Who cheats more men or women?

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Is it me or are men more prone to cheating? Of course women cheat but even then they show more remorse than men do (not all). It just seems that men are always after another woman. Or is it that us women are more sneaky and can cover it up better and that's why you don't hear about us cheating as much? Oooooooor do you think it's 50/50?


Who do you think cheats more? and; Why do you think they cheat?

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I think women are smarter when they cheat. No offense any of the cheatin men out there. :D


As to who cheats more...I think men are more prone to their mid life crisis, where women just want the good lovin'. Maybe men? Idunno.

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just read the results of a survey published by the BBC in the UK that says 64% of women in serious relationships have admitted cheating.


what a load of bitches.

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I THINK men cheat more, though lately I've been hearing from alot of people that women do, but I still think it's men. Maybe that's because I'm a woman...I dunno. I don't think I would EVER cheat, though, but I've heard (and read) lots about men cheating on their wives and not having any remorse, but I'm sure some women are the same way.

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I don't have an answer, but I do have some interesting statistics.


As we know, the considerable majority of sexual harassment suits are initiated by women against male superiors. What's interesting is that, supposedly, the percentage of those initiated by men against female superiors is roughly equivalent to the proportion of people in management who are women.


This suggests that women are just as likely to use sex for power as men are, at least in an employment situation.


The other interesting point is that the percentage of women who admit to cheating keeps increasing each year. This could mean a couple of things:


1) More women are cheating.

2) Fewer women are keeping their affairs secret.


Society used to have some pretty effective constraints in place for enforcing women's fidelity. The scarlet letter. Being economically dependent on men. Being thrown out into the street without recourse. Chastity belts. One by one, those have been removed, and equality between the sexes is gradually coming to fruition, at least in the western world.


So, to answer the question... I think that, ultimately, we'll find that the numbers are pretty much equal between men and women. Something like 40-50%. Pretty f*cking sad, however you look at it.

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Originally posted by bluetuesday

just read the results of a survey published by the BBC in the UK that says 64% of women in serious relationships have admitted cheating.


what a load of bitches.



What a way to put it.

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I think women are more prone to emotional cheating than men. Men arein for the sex, right guys :p ?


I think women cheat more. It's a different way of cheating, maybe, but they do. I look at my friends around me and that's not only my opinion, it's real !

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Oh, about the BBC survey... one thing: women admitted to have cheated, not necessarily slept with another man. Trust me, the definition of "cheating" is far from being a crystal clear one !

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Originally posted by Nick49242

what is your definition of cheating then? and how do your friends cheat "emotionally"? im a guy so maybe this is just over my head but please explain.


That's a good question. Everyone perceives cheating in different ways. What I might think is cheating may not be to some and vice versa. A lot of people think that when you flirt you are cheating. I don't think that's cheating, but I do think that it most certainly can lead you to cheat. To me cheating is when you kiss someone else or anything from there on (groping included).

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

I think women are more prone to emotional cheating than men. Men arein for the sex, right guys :p ?


I totally concur. I think that if a woman cheats (not all) it's because it really has to do with more than sex. It has feelings involved.

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Grinning Maniac

Good post, resdog.


Personally, I think the ratio of cheating in men to women is probably near equal these days. I think everyone just sucks now. Gender is irrelevant. I have a theory on it too. Nothing tested, it's just based on my observations. I think the internet is partly to blame for a rise in a lot of messed up behavior, infidelity included.


The internet's a great invention, but it's also a breeding ground for every kind of scum on the planet. There's a chat room/forum/blog community out there to encourage every type of degenerate behavior you can imagine, and to support the people who enjoy such things. Infidelity, pedophilia, racism, bestiality, rape, incest, etc...on the web, anything goes and nobody cares. I can't think of one place offline where you can find encouragment for these types of behaviors. Well, aside from NAMBLA... :p


This is all just my theory...but think about it. For more than a decade, scumbags have been able to get together anonymously with other scumbags and have friendly chats about all the lovely things they do. Naturally, the discussion is biased; and in some cases, intentionally devoid of differing opinions. So, said scumbag then goes back out into the world feeling that the things they do are perfectly fine, and continue to do them. In the real world, if you happened to casually inform an acquaintance that you constantly cheat on your husband/wife and love doing it, or that you really love masturbating while thinking about the little girl down the street jumping rope, I don't think you'd get too many encouraging comments... On the internet however, everyone can retreat into their own little world in which they're accepted, no matter how repulsive of a person they would be to anyone with their head screwed on straight. I love the internet, but I think it has helped to whittle away at whatever morality that's left in people.

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I think that if a woman cheats (not all) it's because it really has to do with more than sex. It has feelings involved.


I think so, too.

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More women are cheating because they have nothing better to do while their man is out cheating..;)





I think its about 50-50 and I think its always been that way but women are fessing up more now a days...its still sad it should be 0-0...but w/e..

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More women are cheating because they have nothing better to do while their man is out cheating..




EC that's great :laugh:

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Originally posted by EtErNaLlYCoNfUsEd

I think its about 50-50 and I think its always been that way but women are fessing up more now a days...its still sad it should be 0-0...but w/e..


So true! It should be 0/0

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It should be 0/0, but we're dreaming. GManiac has a point, but it's equally true of mainstream media, which glorifies some activity that's illegal (car theft, murder, etc.) and some activity that's simply immoral (infidelity). Keep in mind, according to Murphy's Law, 90% of everything is crud. I guess that includes people.


It's astounding what's seen as acceptable nowadays. A friend of mine recently sent me an email link to some internet retailer selling "Pimp and Ho" Halloween costumes... for CHILDREN.


Everything's for sale nowadays. Maybe it's time we reconsider communism.

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Everything's for sale nowadays. Maybe it's time we reconsider communism


I think you mean buddism! Trust me, Communism ain't that glorified in real life. You still can have wars.

Whereas buddism is much safer.All you have to do is make sure you look good in orange, don't have a problem with singing all day an play with tigers every now and then.

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Men definitely cheat more. We're genetically designed to sow our oats. However, studies have show that higher animal females also tend to be "promiscuous", in increase genetic variability. But human males have the hormones and the social and economic firepower to cheat more often.


I mean...we DID get the reputation from somewhere, stands to reason, dunnit?

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Who cheats more men or women?

In my opinion, when an uncommitted person has sex with a committed person, they're both guilty of cheaitng.


Ergo, not counting for threesomes/homosexuals, I'd say the numbers are pretty much equal.

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I think that men cheat more, but often women cheat 'worse'.


btw, I like Grinning Maniac's post. Very well written, and there is a lot of truth in it.

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This is such an interesting subject to me... it's amazing how common cheating really is and how the word "cheating" can mean so many different things to so many different people.


I read an article that polled men. The question was; IF the sitution was right, your wife/girlfriend would never find out, she was the right woman...meaning someone that they thought was physically attractive, would you cheat? All of these men had said that they were in committed relationships...and an overwhelming 62% of them said that they would...if the situation was right.


Kinda makes you want to put a kabash to the whole guys night out thing...dunnit?

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I'd say it's even steven. Both men AND women cheat. Neither sex is better than the other, or worse.

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Obviously both men and women have cheated. But I do believe that men cheat more. I am a bartender and I see way more men cheat then women. I would never cheat on my husband and although I have been cheated on before, I know that my husband now has never or would cheat on me.

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