254 Miles Posted October 8, 2004 Share Posted October 8, 2004 Well, I don't know what to make of things. I kept on my once a week schedule in calls, but then she started calling me about once a week. I figured I'd let her take the initiative. She isn't that outgoing of a girl when it comes to these things, so I was pleased. Starting last week, things got more frequent. The MTV show "Real World" held tryouts at my college, and as a joke I tried out. I wrote something about it in my AIM away message, and so she asked a mutual friend about it, and later IMed me telling me just how cool it was. A few days later, just as a joke to a friend, I wrote in my away message that I got a call back. Now, this she went nuts over. She called me this past friday, asking about the whole thing, as excited as ever. She called it "the coolest thing in the whole wide world", and told me she told her roommates all about it. I of course made up a story so I didn't seem like a jerk, and anyways, she won't know if I got a callback or not, anyways. Sunday night, we started talking again. She IMed me, and this is our conversation. (note: while we went out, we called each other by our first and middle names as an affectionate thing). A second thing is that during the interviews for "Real World", I pretended to be British. Kate: hey Me: hey kate veronica Kate: how was interview number 2? Me: it was very entertaining to say the least Kate: haha Kate: im sure it was Me: unfortunately, i have to finish work and go to sleep because i have to go to the radio station tomorrow Kate: ohh Kate: good times Kate: well have fun with that Me: haha good and tired times Kate: lol Me: you know i love my sleep Kate: oh i do Kate: haha Me: but, give me a call tomorrow or tuesday or whenever is cool for you, and i'll tell you all about it Kate: okay Kate: sounds good Kate: good luck with your work Me: yep, it'll be excellent Me: thanks, i gotta tell my teachers to lay off if they know what's good for them Kate: haha Kate: im sure you'll get through to them Me: well i do pride myself on my ability to communicate Me: i'll broadcast my plea on the radio or tv Kate: haha Me: ok well i've got to get going Me: i hope your weekend at home was good and i will talk to you later Kate: ok Kate: bye Kate is away at 9:49:52 PM. Kate returned at 11:15:36 PM. Me: kate isnt way past your bedtime? lol Kate: yes but my bedtime has been way extended since i started going to college Kate: 1 is more like it Kate: you should be the one in bed mister! Kate: go to sleep Me: haha kate you will not last that long at 1 am because you are so busy and involved, you'll need your sleep Kate: at least i dont have to get up for a radio show in the morning! Me: haha well at this point, its not worth going to sleep... i took one of my patented naps after the jets game today, and i still have a lot of work to do... this is the first time my parents actually prevented me from doing work Kate: oh wow Kate: how was parent's weekend by the way? Me: it was pretty cool, as much as it pains me to say lol Kate: aww Kate: im sure they had a great time too Me: haha well of course, i'm the star of the family Kate: yep Kate: lol Me: lol but now this star has to finish some work... i'll be online but only because im working on a project with someone Kate: i saw a nice quote from your dad in the paper Kate: oh go for it Me: haha oh god i feel so bad for ben (remember, my brother got jumped) Kate: so do i! Kate: that was absolutely horrible Me: i know, but he's tough Kate: thats good Me: anyways, you get some sleep kate veronica, and i'll just pull this here all nighter so i can accomplish my ambitions Kate: oh jordan Kate: thats horrible Me: haha i know, but i'll just have to deal with it Me: this is what responsibility can do to you.. i knew i shouldnt have become a good student Me: your good influence is keeping me awake here kate Kate: oh jordan Kate: i wish you could influence me right now Kate: lol Kate: im being such a slacker Kate: its terrible Me: haha kate i know for a fact that you are doing well Kate: ill let you know whne i get my tests back tomorrow Kate: lol Kate: now go work mister Kate: go go go Me: for you being a slacker isnt a real slacker, i was the real slacker Me: you're more of a get a 95 instead of a 100 slacker Kate: oh i wish Me: lol i know that you're working hard, you just never admit it Me: you'd cure cancer and give the credit to someone else Kate: yeah i wish Me: i mean your dad was the one who showed me the gold award, you were too modest Kate: oh man Kate: hes just too proud Me: haha no, i dont think anyone could be too proud of you Kate: well thank you Me: more than welcome Me: but now i've got to go Kate: yes go already Me: nite kate veronica Kate: goodnight jordan david So, a long flirty conversation capped off with the middle names. I was starting to *knock on wood* feel encouraged. Then, Monday night, we didn't "talk" per se, but she wrote this to my away message, which was talking about how cold it was outside here in Syracuse (where I go to school), and she wrote this... Kate: it is quite a good thing i am not in syracuse right now with that cold weather...id be holed up in my room already and its only october 4...i hope you're managing the frigid weather okay Wednesday afternoon she IMed me once again. Here's where I *knock on wood* get more encouraged. Kate: hey jordan Me: hey kate Kate: whats up? Me: nothing, im just getting ready to watch the Red Sox game Me: and yourself? Kate: im just watching a little full house and doing my spanish Kate: im not doing a very good job at my spanish but sometimes full house is more important Me: so we're both watching excellent programming Kate: haha Kate: agreed Me: kate, we all know that stephanie, michelle, dj, uncle jesse, danny, the twins and bob sagat take priority over any academic endeavor Kate: haha Kate: i cant think like that jordan Kate: ive got to maintain my grades here Me: haha im sure you'll have no problem doing so Kate: oh we'll see Me: lol im confident Me: by the way, if you're up, if you watch espn at midnight, my radio advisor is competing in dream job Me: which is a tv show to be a sportscenter anchor Kate: yeah you told me about that Kate: is it on every night at midnight? Me: tuesday nights Me: so that should be pretty exciting Kate: yeah i guess ill have to find the channel on my tv Kate: lol Kate: thats not a channel my roomies and i watch oftne Me: haha yeah, you mean you havent watched sportscenter every morning? Me: im surprised Kate: oh i know Kate: sometimes i catch it while im at the gym Kate: but thats about it Kate: i think i can handle not seeign it Me: do you still wear your favorite lime green sports bra? that was a classic Kate: oh ive got more colors now Electrolite86: haha an rainbow, i like that kate Kate: ive got lime green (always a favorite), my lucky light blue (from field hockey home games), dark blue, white, purple, and another white Kate: i tried to get a pink one but they ran out Kate: lol Kate: so sad Kate: haha i remember the lucky light blue, i also was a fan of that one, and i know it helped you become an excellent player... those colors i bet look excellent on you Me: and its unfortunate you couldnt find one to match your prom dress Kate: oh it wasnt light pink, i was trying to get a bright pink one Kate: it was hot jordan let me tell you Kate: lol Me: haha i most definitely bet it was very hot Kate: so tell me, whats the temp like in syracuse? Kate: claire called me yesterday and told me it was 32 degrees Kate: thats craziness Me: last night it got really cold suddenly which was weird because it was a warm day... this morning was cold when i was walking to class, but coming back it got a lot warmer Me: i swear, the weather here is never consistent Me: until about november Me: when you can count on snow all the time Kate: haha Kate: oh thats a shame Kate: i mean its pretty and all Kate: but way too cold for me Me: haha i remember your hands being so cold when we went ice skating Me: i was doing everything i could to keep them warm lol Kate: oh yes, my extremeties get quite cold Kate: everyone already knows here that i have poor circulation b/c ive already complained of being cold Kate: and they cannot believe it b/c its only october Kate: lol Kate: im such a wuss Me: haha well i hope you are able to make it through, especially with al the traveling you must have to do to do all of that teaching and charitable work you're known for Kate: oh no angel149: most of its on campus angel149: im good to go Me: haha good Me: i wouldnt want the world to lose such a generous girl due to frostbite Kate: haha Kate: ill be okay Me: haha good, that's very important Me: well, i'm going to go to a friends room to watch this sox game Me: with my red sox hat on, of course angel149: oh wait, quick tell me how your interview went Me: sure no prob Me: well they asked a lot of questions about my ambitions and dreams, a lot of hypothetical things about relationships and friends, about my likes and dislikes... and i answered them all in my perfect accent Me: which i really had working Me: the lady told me i had a beautiful voice Me: no joke Kate: did they find out you were lying to them yet? Me: they have no idea Kate: oh my goodness Me: haha Me: im telling you kate, it's just that good Kate: im impressed Me: it would melt your heart Kate: haha Kate: well ive got to go to admissions now so enjoy your baseball game Me: seeing how you love british accenets Kate: oh i do Kate: lol Kate: ill talk to you later jordan Kate: bye Me: haha ok later kate We've talked since, but I want to get your opinions on this stuff first. Any thoughts? Link to post Share on other sites
Author 254 Miles Posted October 8, 2004 Author Share Posted October 8, 2004 Hey guys, I'm going crazy in my dorm over here, any advice? Link to post Share on other sites
head/heels Posted October 8, 2004 Share Posted October 8, 2004 let her stem in the good of you and dont call or write or go on IM..... just let her call you next and keep it light and cool and try not to brag or dote on you tooo much....ask about her and let her vent to you with out you interrupting or trying to fix things...do you only talk now over pc? or on the phone? if on the phone let her call you if only IM, then let her get to you in a different way (email, through a friend, call to your cell./dorm) if email, then wait for her to email you let her want you for a while... time will do the trick on her! belive me, dont talk about her and you ever until she brings it up...if she does...then dont stress on it and try to let her leak the info to you....you stay cool and act like you enjoy being single and having fun with "friends" ....dont let if be known if it is just guy friends, just girl friends ,or both...she will let her imagination do the trick.... Be hard to track down, and trust that she will call or write ! She will hope this got to you before you did something rash! Link to post Share on other sites
Author 254 Miles Posted October 9, 2004 Author Share Posted October 9, 2004 I mention only good things that happened between us- never any troubles.. just to subtly remind her of the good times. I also want to see how she responds, and so far it's been positive. But, I definitely do not harp on it all the time- I talk about the fun times I'm having and I listen to her tell me about what she's doing there, also. I'm definitely doing my best to get her enthusiastic about me and all of my great qualities (obviously I don't say those things directly, but I hint to them). I hope that doing that will make her realize what she lost, and when I compliment her, I hope it makes her realize I'm still there. Basically, I'm showing her I'm independent and am excelling, but am still there if she wants me. I want her to think that a special guy is making her feel special. Link to post Share on other sites
Author 254 Miles Posted October 9, 2004 Author Share Posted October 9, 2004 Kate continued to IM me this week, at least once a day. Here is our second conversation on Tuesday, the only one I started. (note: someone stole her tooth brush) Me: i've got to get going, but i wanted to extend my condolences about your toothbrush, and just wanted you to know it was most likely because the culprit thought it could give them the same awesome smile as yours, so its understandable that they'd be that silly Kate: haha Kate: thanks jordan Kate: i think the girl just has it out for me Kate: she never was a big fan Kate: oh well Me: she must be out of her mind Kate: ill just have to be more aware of my toothbrush in the future Me: she is either out of her mind, on some kind of drugs, or just jealous Kate: probably the drug thing Kate: shes usually drunk Kate: lol Me: haha see kate, no sane person could not be a fan Me: so don't you worry Me: and, on that note, i've got to get going, so have a good night, kate veronica Kate: you too Kate: bye jordan Me: phew, you left out that middle name of mine lol Kate: haha Me: although i know you liked it for some reason lol Kate: its a good strong name Me: haha thanks, i suppose i'm a good strong guy Kate: of course Me: haha Me: ok well im going for real now kate veronica Kate: ok Kate: bye Okay, not so earth-shattering. Here's Wednesday: Kate: hey My away message: Isn't weird seeing someone on national TV one night, and then working with them the next? Radio meeting with Jason Horowitz- wish me good luck, and leave some words of confidence for me! Kate: hope you're having fun with whatever it is that you're doing Kate: good luck i guess (if its something that would warrant a good luck) Kate: lol (later on when I get back) Me: hey kate, i appreciate the well wishes and good luck lol Kate: anytime Me: i know i excelled because you wished it to be so Kate: oh but you didnt know that i had sent any good wishes Me: i know lol but the wishes found their way to me in spirit Kate: i guess so Me: everything okay? Me: you seem a little down Kate: oh im fine Kate: what do you mean i seem down? Me: lol i don't know, you just seemed sad or something, just wanted to make sure you're happy like you deserve to be Kate: oh im good to go dont you worry Me: ok good thats what i like to hear Me: i have to go work on a paper though, so i must go for the night. i'll talk to you later, you can give me a call or whenever this week or this weekend if you want to hear about my broadcasting and whatever happens with real world and of course i'd like to hear about your life Me: lol Kate: okay sounds good Me: yep Kate: good luck with your paper Kate: bye Me: thanks kate Me: i'll talk to you later kate veronica Me: have a good night Kate: bye Kate: you too I was happy to see that she was IMing me to wish me luck, even while I was away. Any thoughts on these conversations? Link to post Share on other sites
Author 254 Miles Posted October 9, 2004 Author Share Posted October 9, 2004 I know everyone has their own issues, and that is why they're on the forum, and I will definitely try to help people out... that being said, I'm very confused with this whole situation and I was wondering if anybody had any analysis/words of wisdom? Thanks in advance. Link to post Share on other sites
bluechocolate Posted October 9, 2004 Share Posted October 9, 2004 Originally posted by 254 Miles I know everyone has their own issues, and that is why they're on the forum, and I will definitely try to help people out... that being said, I'm very confused with this whole situation and I was wondering if anybody had any analysis/words of wisdom? Thanks in advance. Boil this all down to a few manageable paragraphs then you'll get some responses. There is just way too much here to even bother trying to read - sorry, but I don't think very many people want to read massive transcripts that you've cut & pasted out of messenger. Link to post Share on other sites
j_nelson Posted October 10, 2004 Share Posted October 10, 2004 Doesn't really sound like there is too much going on here...to be honest, from an outsiders point of view it sounds like two friends talking....if you really want to know what's going on or how she feels I would ask her straight up. I am not familiar with your story - I am assuming that you want more than a friendship (otherwise you wouldn't be on here) - but if you want more than a friendship, I wouldn't settle for being her friend in the long run. It's too hard to be friends when one person wants more than another. Ask her what the deal is and then make a decision.... Do you talk on the phone at all? Link to post Share on other sites
Author 254 Miles Posted October 10, 2004 Author Share Posted October 10, 2004 We went out for a while, then she broke up with me before college. I was and am convinced she almost convinced herself to do it, that she had to, because we were going away. We had tons of little things we did when we went out, like using middle names and stuff. Those conversations show those happening again. She never talks about herself, especially sexually, and those conversations show that. She's the one IMing me and calling me, and she never did that at home usually. That's why I'm confused/think maybe something is there. Link to post Share on other sites
head/heels Posted October 12, 2004 Share Posted October 12, 2004 i think you should continue to be you and dont try to push too many middle names/ good times / bragging that you are doing just great... tell her that you would like to see her on a weekend home and maybe get something to eat at somewhere where you two havent been before so that she isnt thinking you are trying to rekindle anything... .if you find out she is going home (i dont know how) then say, oh i am going home too, or say i am supposed to go home too but i dont feel like driving...and see if she says something back like "oh, you should come home b/c i will be so bored or what not" If she doesnt dont fret....Just say, well i ll give you a call if i do come home... So dont push her even if she is confused...she will have to figure it out for herself and you need to give her some space to see what she is missing and she will be hoping to see you when she goes home....then see how she acts thats is what will really tell you how she has been doing and what she has been thinking .... And for heavens sakes if she breaks down and says "i miss you so much (at anytime in the coming months) do not say- I missed you sooooo much toooooo!....NO NO NO......Just say you understand and that time will tell or something nonchalant so that she doesnt know she has you still ....I know she doesnt sound like the type of girl who would do, act or think like that , but most of us dont and that is what has happened to almost all of us.... REALLY! good luck Link to post Share on other sites
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