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old flame


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For the past 4 years I have been dating this on and off.In the beginning I did treat him bad but I've changed really want to try it again but it is like he is paying me back! He says he isn't doing that, he just isn't ready to settle down.I don't understand him?

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For the past 4 years I have been dating this on and off.In the beginning I did treat him bad but I've changed really want to try it again but it is like he is paying me back! He says he isn't doing that, he just isn't ready to settle down.I don't understand him?

well, you treated someone bad now you want his respect and now you want him to be able to settle down with you.


how did you treat him bad? I know from personal experience that we as humans never forget when some one treats us bad, no matter how much time has lasped they do remember the times. i think that he is smart in remembering but this will take more work on your part. you have to show a guy that you have changed, you can not just expect it to happen over night. really depending on the depth of the hurt that he feels it for sure will take work on your part, don't feel mad about this.. respect him for looking out for himself. i know that it is really hard to do fro the pain that you feel. this is one way to show him that you have changed.


i personaily think that it is cool that he can remember, he is protecting himself from furure hurt. really thats all he is trying to do , or he really is not wanting to settle down, believe what he says.


good luck

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There are many people in the world who aren't ready to settle down. He may mean that in general or he may mean he just isn't ready to settle down with you. The fact that you don't understand that may be why he isn't ready to settle down with you.


You are lucky he didn't drop you when you treated him bad...because I sure would have. I don't take that kind of treatment from anyone.

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There are many people in the world who aren't ready to settle down. He may mean that in general or he may mean he just isn't ready to settle down with you. The fact that you don't understand that may be why he isn't ready to settle down with you. You are lucky he didn't drop you when you treated him bad...because I sure would have. I don't take that kind of treatment from anyone.


tony you don't understand. I have tried time after time to show him that I have changed. Also, he says he isn't ready to settle down right now, well he comes over my house every now and then and sees?talks to other girls.

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he is not ready to settle down , he does not really want to be with you if he is coming over to your place and talking to other girls. You must have really played with his mind and hurt him deeply. Just except it that he does not want it anymore and move on. What comes around goes around. you treat someone bad don't expect them to forgive and forget. leave the guy alone.

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RE: Posted by Tony on Sunday, 17 December 2000, at 12:02 p.m., in response to Re: old flame, posted by Tony on Sunday, 17 December 2000, at 5:33 a.m.


This is the real Tony....I did not post the above referenced post. Somebody put my name in the Nickname field. Don't know how that happened/

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