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Okay....not much to go on. What's the story?


With really NO information to go on, ask yourself this. If your girlfriend heard you slept with someone but you told her nothing happened, would she believe you?


Highly doubt it.

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Okay....not much to go on. What's the story?
The OP gave the story but for some reason he deleted it. Basically, his girl friend went out with one of her girl friends for a GNO. She and her girl friend then meet up with a male friend at a bar and got drunk; the OP was not invited to join them. She did not call him because she claimed that she lost her phone; she never thought to borrow her girl friend's phone. All three then slept together in the same bed that night. She said that this was for safety reasons because they were drunk even though the other man lived only 3 minutes away. When she first spoke to him in the morning, she did not tell him about any of this, he had to find out later.


@OP: She meet up with another man at a bar, did not invite you to join them, got drunk and then her and her girl friend decided to have him sleep with them in the same bed. He could have gone home as it was just down the street, or he could have slept on the couch, but that was not what your girl friend had him do. Dude she cheated on you plain and simple. There really is no other way to look at it. Sure she will say nothing happened, but that is what cheaters always say. Con men say that their lies work best when the other person wants to believe. You want to believe that she did not cheat, so you will be tempted to ignore common sense and the facts and to believe her lies. That is up to you, but facts are facts none the less.

Edited by Try
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Thanks for the update Try! :)


Yeah dude, she straight up cheated on you. Sorry, time to move on.

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Darren Steez

She banged him, that's why her phone was lost and she couldn't make it to your three minutes away house and she never told you about going to another man's house and sleeping in his bed when she could have sleep on the bed or maybe even been dropped of at your house but seeing as you weren't invited maybe she didn't think it was appropriate..after all, it's a tight fit getting four people to sleep in one bed...

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He could have gone home as it was just down the street, or he could have slept on the couch, but that was not what your girl friend had him do.
I wonder what made the OP change his post.

If the above is what was in his original post, then what went down was really shady. The guy lives down the end of the street and to be a good sport she lets him curl up along side her in bed to save him the 3 min stagger home. Riiiight! No wonder she felt the need to keep it secret from him + also go MIA that night, which only adds to the 'shady' factor. The fact that her friend was there as well provides some level of comfort that nothing got out of hand, but maybe not. If this other guy is hot and the girls have a liberated, adventurous attitude to life and are drunk, well things can easily get out of hand. She's well out of order on this (less so if it was at her gf's place and her gf invited the guy to share her bed).

Edited by ascendotum
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Lol what kind of R do you have. Your girl sleeps with another guy and you don't even know him... and you think you're still in an R?? I mean honestly I was more close to my FWBs than you are with your gf it seems

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I guess since she lost her phone no one could call a taxi? Duh! If it quacks like a duck........

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