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Jessie's Girl

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I feel like my story correlates to that classic song, ahaha.


I really need some opinions here folks. So, I've been close friends with my buddy A for like 7 years now. For the last 5 of them, up to 2 months ago, he's been with his girl R. Naturally, her and I became good friends too. The point I want to stress is that we became friends outside of their relationship, we worked together for half a year and talked a lot during that time without A being around.


Then they broke up a few months back and I haven't talked to her since. I was kind of torn, since we are actually friends, but it is a natural law with breakups to stick with the side you started on.


Two days ago, she messages me on Facebook and said she missed me. We talked, and I told her she didn't have to lose me as a friend because we were friends without A's influence. She asked for my number since she lost it changing phones, and we texted from then on. Last night she called, and the conversation was about A. She talked about how he suffocated her, wouldn't let her go to the school she wanted to go back to (because of distance). She said he lied a lot to seem cool, stuff like that. I said I see that in him too, his pushiness and stubbornness. She said he never manned up O.O


Anyway, the reason I'm writing, is because she wants to hangout. I don't have a problem with it, and it's by no means a "date" or anything like that at all.....but I KNOW if A knew, he wouldn't handle that well.


By no means would I try anything or flirt. I couldn't do that to A after a long friendship. I'm moreso conceded with the manner in which she talked about him and wanting to hangout. She hasn't been flirty, but....if she tried it would be extremely hard to not be a selfish guy.


As of now, I guess I'll hangout and not put myself in any sort of compromising positions. Just looking for opinions.

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You're listening to your schlong talk. She's your friend's left overs. STAY AWAY. Unless you like to live dangerously:eek:

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