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I'm in deep sh*t now. Read onwards 2 find out wat kind of sh*t. Reply plz.

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Um.. I dunno how to write this message down without sounding like a complete idiot but ere it goes.


Ok i hav this 'crush', 'thing', 'da hots for' (or watever it is called) for this guy (typical of any teenage girl). But the problem is this.. De is one of my 8 closests friends older brother. He's 19. A first year uni student etc. But that isn't really the biggest part of the problem.


De's actually another close friend's ex. They broke up ages ago and she has moved on from him. But i don't think he has though. Thats the major problem now but there's something else to add to that bit of information.


I had made a promise, a vow and i swore to never ever ever fall for a friends ex. I made this promise cause it had happened to one of my friends before so we all swore to it. Now i kinda wish i didn't swore it.


But i wish i didn't like him. But after spending a whole day with him at uni (which its aim was that i confirm to myself i didn't like him) i realised that i did like him and i'm in deep deep 'sh*t' now. Being me i (shy) i had to drag along his younger sisters (one of them is my friend) to feel less nervous around him. But for a fraction of a second that day i had actually thought he liked me too. But then that feeling had actually stopped.


I haven't told him yet and most people say go tell him and whatever happens it happens for the best but i don't really want to tell him yet. Actually i want to tell my friends first but i fear they will 'reject?' (or watever word you would use) me. What am i to do now? Tell my friends?

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I know that you made the whole "pact" thing with your friends, but it's really none of your friends business who you date. If your friend broke up with this guy a long time ago and she's moved on, I don't really see a problem with making your move.


I would find out if he likes you first. If you tell your friends and they get all mad at you for liking him and it ends up that he doesn't like you anyway, then you've told them for nothing. See what I'm getting at?

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